Android for portable sequencer/DAW?

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I am looking into getting a tablet as a portable music tool for various purposes (listed further below). I know that iPads are considered the best option, but a) the M1 iPad pros are relatively expensive and b) not too fond of Apple in general.

So if I can get away with a cheaper (but quality) android alternative, I would go for it.

The Galaxy Tab S8 is is 740euros, and the value and specs sound just about right.

I don't know what the software state of Android is nowdays, in terms of music and DAW tasks.

What I want the tablet for is common music/DAW tasks such as:

1) Connect it to my Yamaha MODX synth, to act as a sequencer.

2) Viewing (and sometimes editing) scores.

3) Use it as an fx/instrument (soft-synths/looper)

4) Compose music/ideas on the go.

5) Use it as a linear sequencer/recorder.

Will I be satisfied with an Android solution in 2022?


Sputter is pretty good but only number 4 or 5 is possible.
"I believe every music producer inherently has something unique about the way they make music. They just have to identify what makes them different, and develop it" - Max Martin


Caustic3 is pretty good for items 3, 4 & partially 5
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Steinberg Cubasis 3 should be good for all your needs except 2). MIDI editing, yes but not in musical notation.

But check compatibility. IIRC it has some specific requirements concerning the Android hardware.

For score It's best you get a specialized seperate app.


You _don't_ need an iPad Pro, unless you want the extra screen estate. Even the lowest actual entry iPad is better suited for music than any Android-based hardware. If you are ready to drop 740€ you are WAY better off with any iPad for music.

The Apple Pencil for Score editing is paradise! plus Multichannel recording and a robust Audio Unit plugin system, Inter app operability. You have none of that on Android.

And software support on Android devices (at least phones) usually ends after 2 years. My iPad Pro from 2015 is still getting software updates from Apple. That's 7 years, now.

I'd rather get a cheap Windows Laptop and Reaper than an Android tablet for making music. Google has ZERO interest in the Android music scene and apps will remain just above the 'proof of concept'-state for the forseeble future - compared to iOS.

my 2 cents


FL Studio DAW has a mobile version, but I have never tried it


Audio Evolution Mobile is probably the one that can get you the lowest latency, with their proprietary driver.


Last time I've used caustic on android it was a pretty bad experience. Latency being specifically bad.
MacMini M2 Pro . 32GB . 2TB . . Bitwig Studio 5.2…+…Push 2 driven by Moss……Live 12 Push 2


mindnoise wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:00 pm I'd rather get a cheap Windows Laptop and Reaper than an Android tablet for making music. Google has ZERO interest in the Android music scene and apps will remain just above the 'proof of concept'-state for the forseeble future - compared to iOS.

my 2 cents
This, imo. Apple made us believe that it has to be a tablet because a laptop is clunky. Then you get one and need a stand for it, keyboard etc.

It's at best almost as clunky as just getting a laptop, usually just as clunky, because then you need powered USB hubs etc. because they lack the juice etc. And all that to limit yourself to those apps available on mobile?

I'll admit it tempts me again and again because it just seems so sexy, but the bottom line is its really not the way unless you gravitated naturally to it. Even hardcore Apple users say it's a nightmare more often than not, Benn Jordan actually did a very honest video on it:

But yeah, I've found my Samsung to be pretty problem-free when I want to use it like that (never tried effects though). Then again, for serious score editing on tablet I think I'd either go with a Surface or an iPad. Since few android devices have a pen, software integration is not nearly as tight.


There's a reason people use iPads for mobile DAWs/audio: Core Audio is built into it and is, in my experience, a much more convenient and robust engine than Android's.

Yes, Apple marketing is annoying as f*ck but damn, the hardware does what they promise.


sQeetz wrote: Sun Apr 17, 2022 10:09 am Last time I've used caustic on android it was a pretty bad experience. Latency being specifically bad.
Latency on Android is structurally bad, indeed... But if you enter notes on a grid, that's not so much an issue.
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Hello, you can try PoseCube, a new released Android DAW, just search it on Google Play :->


Android? Just don’t. For the price you call up, better get a second hand iPad…


My guess is that any iPad you could get your hands on used on ebay would be better for making music than any Android one... current or not
MacMini M2 Pro . 32GB . 2TB . . Bitwig Studio 5.2…+…Push 2 driven by Moss……Live 12 Push 2


How about MS Surface pro with bitwig? Still a bad idea for mobility?


Surface is full on Windows... So everything that runs on Windows, runs on a Surface. A much better choice than Android
edit: depends on the Surface model, though....
MacMini M2 Pro . 32GB . 2TB . . Bitwig Studio 5.2…+…Push 2 driven by Moss……Live 12 Push 2

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