Kuassa naming conventions

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I use Kuassa amps and pedals, I like them. Only one thing bugs me about them, the way they show up in my DAW with Amplifikation and Efektor in front of the name, I can't see which amp or pedal it is because those terms take up all the room in my FX slots. I find this really annoying, means I have to click to find out what it is. Kuassa is such a cool name, I don't know why they don't use that instead. "Amplifikation Vermillion" instead of something like "Kuassa V" or "Efektor CH3604" instead of "Kuassa Chorus".

It does affect whether I use them because something like "S-Gear" or "Guitar Rig" fits so nicely in my DAW FX slots and I can see it easily and know what it is and where to find it. As opposed to Amplifikati... on every track. That's the other thing, the pedals and amps install under different categories in Cubase, Vermillion installs under "Distortion" and Matchlock installs under "Other".

It happened to me today. I was working on a song that has a number of guitar parts and came up with another simple finger picking part while playing the electric. I bought up the midi roll to transcribe the part into midi, put an electric sampler in there and then grabbed an amp. I went straight to S-Gear because it's easy to find and shows up easily in my DAW FX slots. I actually wanted to use a Kuassa amp but in the heat of the moment, with a guitar hanging on me and one hand holding that and with a number of other named guitar tracks already there, I didn't want to fumble around trying to find and identify things.


A good DAW will allow you to rename the plugin...


I think this is a pretty good idea. As the OP said, a name change would make them easier to find and recognizable at a glance in the "heat of the moment". You wouldn't want to worry about renaming them in his example.

The hard part is done - creating good sounding plugins that are easy to use. Standardizing the names and prefixing with Kuassa seems like a pretty straightforward and effective idea to make them even more user friendly.


Isn't that why they have the 360 thing? So you only need to worry about 1 plugin.


Thanks for the comment and the suggestion! I will forward it to the development team!

Best regards,


+1 from me. Thanks OP.


EvilDragon wrote: Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:36 pm A good DAW will allow you to rename the plugin...
I am using Cubase, I probably can do that, have never thought about it before with other plugins. It would be nice though if the amps and effect pedals just installed with more FX slot compatible names to begin with.


pekbro wrote: Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:07 am Isn't that why they have the 360 thing? So you only need to worry about 1 plugin.
I tried responding to this 7 times but it just kept triggering the KVR spam filter no matter what edits I made.

I prefer the small window space of just one amp rather than the bigger window space of the "all in one" type guitar VST's like THU, Amplitube, Guitar rig etc that's what I like about S-gear and Kuassa. With Kuassa, you get the choice between the one amp or the bigger "all in one" 360.

I think I was blocked from posting by the automated spam filter because I used the word re*l esta*e meaning window space not buying houses.

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