RapidComposer Chords to EZKeys

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RapidComposer Chords to EZKeys

If you are using EZKeys VSTi or Standalone just fill a new track with chords,
set your key in EZKeys,
holding the Ctrl drag that track name into EZKeys,
with the scissors cut any section to add EZKey phrases or remove if not playing,
select Use Browser Midi,
choose your phrase,
As a VSTi you can play/loop RapidComposer while selecting the EZKeys phrase.

Last edited by crossovercable on Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.


Cool! …but how are you able to drag from RC? I get nothing when I try to follow exactly what you're doing, no little icon with notes appears and nothing comes along with my held-down cursor, no matter what modifier keys I also hold, or none:(


Hi David,
you can drag a track as MIDI if you hold down the Ctrl key while dragging the track name. Similarly, if you hold down Ctrl and drag the 'file' icon you can drag the whole composition as MIDI. You can limit the dragged duration by making a timeline selection.

More detailed info about drag and drop operations:
http://www.musicdevelopments.com/wiki/d ... raganddrop

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AH, the track NAME:) Excellent, thank you!

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