basic sonar help needed ...

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I'm brand-new to the forum. I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place or not. If not, please excuse me and direct me to the proper place.

I've been using Cakewalk since PA 8.0 and am now using Producer 3.1. In all this time I've only recorded audio, mostly bluegrass.

Well, I'm doing a project for a client and have decided I would like to have a tympani hit in a particular song. This has started me off on a search for how to do MIDI and more specifically, VSampler which is included with Producer.

Can someone direct me to information where I can learn how to get started making noise with VSampler?

I've been able to get Edirol VSC to make sounds but am having a time with VSampler.

BTW, I have ZERO MIDI experience other than hooking up my Mackie Control Universal.

Also, I have no external keyboard.

Thanks in advance,



welcome to K-v-R pdlstl ...

... i dont have sonar so i cant help you with any specifics (hopefully me replying will bump the thread and prompt a sonar user to take a look) but youll need to get into using the piano roll in sonar to send MIDI to vsampler

slainte :) rob


(ive also edited your topic title to try and help you get a response - hope you dont mind)

slainte :) rob


Not to direct you away from this fine site, which is a wealth of fine information, and oft times quite entertaining, but I assume you've already checked out the Cakewalk user forums. It's generally pretty friendly over there - though lately there's been some riff-raff trying to stir the pot (I really don't get these posters who don't use the software going to a user group forum and crowing about how bad the software is. Who are these people, and why are their lives really so puny? I can understand it here, where there is lots of different users, using lots of different software. But why would I want to go over to the Steinberg forum to declaim how great Sonar is? I really don't get it.)

Anyway, you can download the VSampler manual from the speedsoft site. It's pretty comprehensive, and makes you realize how incredibly deep the program is.

Hope that helps.
Now Somewhat Retired


pdlstl wrote:direct me to the proper place.


Thanks for all the great responses!

Yes, I visit the SONAR forum quite a bit but didn't post this there, I will try that.

However, I did finally get VSampler to squirt out some sound. :D

Hopefully you folks can give me some insight into this question.

I'm wanting to do a project with the pianist and organist from my church. Sort of a little fundraiser deal.

We have a mid-size grand at our church. Will our pianist be comfortable with a weighted MIDI controller or a stand-alone like the Yamaha P series?

And also, I'm assuming I'll need an additional controller so the organist can play something with an organ feel to it.

Am I on the right track?

Thanks again,


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