Artsacoustic reverb and FXpansion wrapper

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I just purchased Artsacoustic reverb and am trying to make it work in Pro Tools 10. In order to do so, I got FXpansion's VST to RTAS converter v.2.1 but it's not working at all besides the reverb's name popping up in the list of effects. Otherwise, when I try to open it I get a strange blank window.

Otherwise, on the fxpansion web site, they say that their wrapper works with VST2.3s and some VST2.4s. I quite honestly don't know how to verify that kind of information.

So here are a few questions :

What kind of VST is ArtsAcoustic Reverb?

Do you know if it works with the FXpansion VST to RTAS converter v. 2?

Do you know of a way to make ArtsAcoustic Reverb work in Pro Tools 10?

I am currently functioning with OS 10.7.5




Hi devinab,

unfortunately, AAR will not work with the FXPansion wrapper. This was also the case with previous versions of AAR, and it's a known issue for quiet a lot of plugins, too. To make it work, we would have to rewrite our whole graphics core, because the wrapper in conjunction with RTAS doesn't support newer graphics methods.

As RTAS is a legacy format that will be rejected sooner or later, and also the wrapper is really outdated, we won't do anything in this direction. AAX would be the way to go, but I can't promise anything regarding an AAX version of our plugins.

Sorry for that, I would have loved to tell you something better... hope you understand. :)

kind regards, timo

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