Manifold and Resound updated to 1.4.0 - now native 64-bit

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The first of the native 64-bit builds have been launched: Manifold (unison effect) and Resound (a vintage sounding delay effect) now come with 64-bit versions for Mac OS X (Audio Unit) and Windows (VST). Download the updated releases here.

These releases also contain a few other fixes and features:
  • - Native 64-bit versions for Windows (VST) and Mac OS X (Audio Unit)
    - Stability fixes for various hosts
    - Mac OS X components are now packaged with an uninstaller
    - Vastly reduced memory requirements
    - (Manifold) Fixed issue where audio clicks or cpu hikes could sometimes manifest when changing parameters in Reaper.
    - (Resound) Improved feedback algorithm. For 100% compatibility with legacy projects, the older algorithm can be enabled using the Backwards Compatibility options (for registered users only).
All going well, we hope to get the rest of the product line released in native 64-bit format in the near future.

Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Just a short note to let you know that we've been made aware of a problem with Manifold 1.4.0 and Resound 1.4.0 under FLStudio. This problem manifests itself as a slightly crunchy timbre under some circumstances. We are looking into this now, and hope to have a fix out shortly.

If you use FLStudio, it's probably worth holding off on upgrading Manifold or Resound from 1.3.x until 1.4.1 is available. Thanks!
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Manifold 1.4.1 and Resound 1.4.1 are now available; get them here.

These releases add a fix for the following issue:
  • - Fix for an intermittent noisy timbre that could occur under certain hosts.
Whilst the problem has (so far) only been witnessed under FLStudio, it could potentially occur on any host or platform, depending on how the host handles buffer sizes. As such, anyone using the recently released 1.4.0 versions are recommended to upgrade to the new 1.4.1 builds.

Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

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