Poor mans Lemur.

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So we all drool over the Lemur but can't afford it.

Did you know that you can turn your iPhone or iPod touch into a poor mans Lemur ?


Check this out. Dunno if it does multi touch or not. On the plusside it's wireless and if you feel the need to defend your purchase for some reason
"Uhhmmm i did'nt buy this to be cool. I use it to control my DAW. Yeah. That's why"
"Uhhmmmm i know one these makes me a mindless sheep but i got one not to be cool but to control my DAW"
there's your reason.

Pretty slick.


Dunno about poor, but the wealthiest people I have anything to do with have whole lemur houses full of lemurs, several species (including dwarf fat-tailed lemurs, which I didn't even know existed until I found myself looking at one and vice versa). Spectacular creatures (except those tiny ones).

Consider this bit of nonsense a bump.


jupiter8 wrote:Dunno if it does multi touch or not.
I think I saw a (Logic-oriented) controller for the iPhone/iPod somewhere (sorry, no link) that was multitouch enabled.

Quite nifty, I'd say.

- Sascha
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.

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