Simplest Free VST Sampler with D&D, Learn, Tune

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Hi Folks,

I'm looking for a free VST plugin sampler for my Windows Sonar Win2K setup. Assuming such a beatie exists, here's the 'extended' futures I need:

- Ability to browse WAV files in my collection without having to load each up and hit play
- D&D - load samples via drag and drop
- Midi automation/learn

And here's the things I hate about the various samplers I have:

- Stupid fiddley interfaces pretending to be an actual hardware device (seen the DS-404?), instead of presenting a standard windows GUI
- Lack of decent tool tips and context sensitive help
- Hidden gesture modifiers (shift, control, alt) burried on page 83 of a PDF manual.
- Magical routing - Surely an interface can be designed that clearly shows the routing of the lfo's, filters, envelopes, etc?
- A GUI and editing window that won't resize. Do I *really* have to keep a magnifying glass beside the computer to use these interfaces?


Thanks, I feel better. So if anyone knows a simple-to-use free vst sampler with the features I mentioned above, please pass along a pointer.

Thank you!

Last edited by on Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.


"Shortcircuit" is the answer for your problem, believe me. Simple routing, mod matrix, audition in place (don't have to load each wave file - audition on the fly), Drag and drop (if you're using reaper, you can drag and drop straight from the tracks) and a decent interface.

The only problem is going to be CPU consumption - its going to be slightly on the higher side...


This is the answer to my prayers! Perfect. Wow. Thank you keyman_sam!!


Funny place to put such a post!

We don't make retail software any more, maybe one of our clients might decide to do a sampler with the features you want but who knows.

Kind regards


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