very cool iphone drum machine

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anyone with an iphone should check out this cool drum machine.
the content sounds pretty good and you can edit the samples with a graphic editor.
reverse, volume, and pitch editing for the samples
it has a sequencer built in with control for velocity and groove.
cool effects: delay, EQ, bit crusher
MPC style pads.

I may never get anything done at work again :hihi:

$20 well spent


or the crappy, slow, buggy 2.0 (which i downgraded to get back my VNC, ir909, the oblique strategies and all those themes and games
the app store is not reaching the ankle of the installer app :)
but thanks for pointing it, maybe some other dev will join the fun and the app store will be worth something (to me)


Not sure I want to be plunking away at my screen. Especially if you have the tendancy to get into it or own pads already. Cool never the less.

M4M arent you worried that your patterns might sound.... rappy? :hihi: :P
stay juicy!


usually on my iPod they sound more C-rappy (and the touch screen is not really tight, latency is pathetic and multi touch stillbneeds big developpemwts to be music making friendly


M4M I think you have to hit the screen really hard with a hammer and nail to D crap it. Dont worry its covered by your warrenty :cool:
stay juicy!


ok, thanks will try, sledgehammer was just a tad too big for precision, haven't tought of the nails for precision
4, 6 r 9 inches nails? which works best in your experience

and as for my previous post, posted from the touch, you can see the touch precision is not yet perfect(and the auto fill is buggy as hell)

BTW, anyone thnk mobile safari is really bad, like it takes 30 seconds to un freeze when you start typing a url, or it unloads every freaking page every time you switch tab more than 20 seconds or go to another app
is there a plist i can mod for that cause it annoys the hell out of me, i mean, i will load 10 or so tabs for offline reading, then come to watch them while offline, and they are all blank :(


I think it's great. Especially when your stuck on a plane or train and you want to build a groove to pass the time.

I've made a bunch of free kits which are on my site if anybody else is using this app.

Tekniks Sample & Loops


I find that iPhone 2 software makes myyyyyy ppphhhhhoooooonnnnnee ssssssssslllllllloooooooowwwwwwerrrr

plus Im not going to pay 20 dollars for software that I cant demo...

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