AMG ONE and Intel MACs

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Greetings all,

Thinking of the future and stability of ONE, it is a great concern to me if ONE will be Universal Binary out of the box. If not, how soon will you code it for Intel MACs? Being a Logic Pro user, AU is the most important standard for me. I speak more toward concern for a Universal Binary AU than anything else.

Stylus RMX has been looking good for a while, but the whole SAGE conversion for REX files doubles up my libraries and kills HD space. ONE looks promising and I am very much considering it over RMX hands down. I have a whole set of questions however, I will not ask them until I demo ONE and read the manual front to back.

Cheers to Dave for answering everyone's questions
Most helpful indeed

MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


We can pretty much compile a UB build of any of our OSX Tachyon-powered products whenever we want, the code is ready. However we don't yet have an Intel mac to test on. Once we start to get an idea of who desperately needs UB we'll bring them on board as beta testers and take it from there.




I have found that many REX players don't handle REX2 quite like RMX and Dr. REX Player. Both pHATmatik Pro and GURU, including Intakt do not incorporate the audio artifacts that ReCycle 2.1 inserts into slices. I have tried the VSTi demo of ONE SOLO and I have noticed that SOLO does indeed read ReCycle's artifacts without import (ie: EXS24, RMX). I can only assume that ONE will handle REX2 files exactly the same way in AU as SOLO does. Tell me this is true and you most certainly got a buyer. Today.


MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


We use the official Propellerhead Recycle SDK to handle the REX2 import. I'm not sure what artefacts you are referring to, but there are two things Recycle does to slices that I'm aware of:-

1. There is a parameter called "Stretch" which takes the end of each slice, reverses and then fades it out to make a sort of tail. This helps smooth loop playback when slowing loops down as it creates overlaps instead of sudden gaps.

2. The last few Ms of every Recycle slice, regardless of the value of the stretch parameter, is always faded out slightly.

When we pull in a REX2 file, we pull in the entire slice right to the end, so it includes the full tail that Recycle introduces. When ONE plays a REX file back you'll hear those tails provided the release time is high enough.

The ONE demo AU will be ready within the next few days, watch out for an announcement here.



The artifacts I was referring is indeed the stretch parameter. However, simply beyond stretching, ReCycle also tends to eliminate any pops or clicks at the end of say, a kick drum. It is exactly as you mentioned, that ReCycle fades the last Ms of every slice. You have made perfectly clear that ONE will playback every slice in its entirety. After reading the manual completely, my only question would be, where else beside samples4 can I purchase ONE? Retail stores perhaps? In either case, ONE is the REX player for my productions, can't wait to see what AMG has packed in the Core Library for me. Big thanks to you Dave, for answering my concerns. Your knowledge and communication skills are most helpful, I can only imagine what ONE will do for my music if it helps me even a fraction of what your forum posts have done.

Cheers my friend

MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


Distributors are being lined up for ONE, you can check with AMG for the status of that. At the moment the official AMG website is the only place you can buy.

I do recommend you check out the demo first, should be going up on the site this week.



Eagerly awaiting the demo. I truly appreciate the help. It feels reassuring when the guys who actually crunched the code respond to concerns. Thanks for the info, Samples4 it is then.


MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)



I recently had the pleasure of working on an Intel iMAC and MacBook Pro 15". I was very skeptical about Intel and MACs, being that I'm an AMD user when it comes to PC. I must say however that these MACs are up to par with PCs.....finally. There was only one problem, AMG One was left out of the loop. LinPlug, RMX (Beta), iDrum and pHATmatik Pro are UniBinary as we speak. AMG One is the last link for me to run out and get me one of them Intel MACs. Any information or beta testing for UniBinary version of ONE would be most appreciated. The sooner the better I say, there's allot of us who are going MAC all the way and so far, its been far less painful than switching OSX ever year.


MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)



I purchased AMG ONE quite a while ago, and have since gone through 2 intel macs. Both excellent machines I might add. However, I have yet to see an intel plugin version of ONE. I'm just checking in to see if perhaps somebody over at Muon might shed some light on this, or come clean the bad news.

MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


All the AMG instruments have been Universal Binary for quite some time now. If you've purchased ONE you should have been sent a link to update to the latest version.

I can only suggest that you contact AMG directly and ask for the update.

Kind regards

PS - don't forget, AMG have their own support forum now at:


I just found out by going to the AMG page that ONE is indeed Intel capable. I'm not holding it against you Dave, I understand that this is AMG's issue with never having, and I do mean never, having sent one update email regarding ONE. I have contacted AMG and have received the links for stand alone and AU version for intel. In either case, thanks for bringing this to my attention and hopefully Matt will take this plugin a bit further that what it seems to be at the moment.


MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


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