Sideslip question . . .

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Hello -

I've been looking for a good audio-triggered arpeggiator synth, & judging from the shtuff I've read & the interface itself, it seems like Sideslip will do the job perfectly, but so far I haven't been able to get it to work in my DAW (Cakewalk Sonar). I've dropped in waves (different bit rates just to be sure) & then added Sideslip as a plug-in, but so far I haven't gotten any sound to come out. Have there been any known issues involving Sonar not being able to play nice with Tweakbench plug-ins, or has anyone else encountered any similar problems? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

- Dan


Sonar has historically had some problems with some VST's. What version are you running? It may be a good idea to upgrade. If in doubt, grab a free VST host and test Sideslip out with one of those. If that works, it's definitely a Sonar thing.. ;)


A good Program that allows VST plugings is FLStudio. The demos is free & you can still do most every thing with it, Including add VST's.
Besides, I uses a full version & have all new/current TB VST's & tthey all work fine. I am just trying to figure out good ways to use them.


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