How the f*** you make an arp sound??

How to make that sound...
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I may appear lame to you, but how do you make an arp sound using, let's say, Sytrus (because I only have this one right now)?


Could you define "arp" ??

1. ARP was a famous manufacturer of analog synths like the ARP AXXE, ARP Odyssee, ARP 2600 etc. There are very good (free!) emulations of ARP synths, but most virtual analog synths can get quite close. These synths were quite versatile, so I'd say there's no such thing as a typical ARP sound.

2. Arp is short for "arpeggio": notes of a chord are played in sequence, up and/or down. Some synths have an arpeggiator onboard, but you can also find midi arpeggiator plugins, or just enter the notes manually in your sequencer.
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If the answer is 2, there's some help here: ... us_arp.htm


using, let's say, Sytrus
Fortunately (because it allows things no other arpeggiator does) or unfortunately (it's less easy to define patterns), the arp built-in multipoint envelopes is unique to Sytrus, so it'll be done very differently.


My cat makes that noise if I pick her up when she's not expecting it.


Dude you are going the long way around to get your answer and are also making an ass of your self.

All you need to do is read your manuals, your synth manuals and your daw manuals and it will all be clear!
Plus there is the internet, where pages upon pages of info are just waiting to be read be newbies such as yourself!
"The educated person is one who knows how to find out what he does not know" - George Simmel
“It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.” - John Wooden


connect the ARP to an amp with some speakers and press a key:

voila... you successfully made your first Arp sound....


dhanjit wrote:If the answer is 2, there's some help here: ... us_arp.htm
yeah, read that. i know how now too!!!


gaseki wrote:I may appear lame to you
I told you...
I only have the cd with fl. my friend gave me one when he was moving, but he never used the manual and he had lost it or something happened to it.
Still... Thank you for your patience and help.
And I'd love to see that cat :D


gaseki wrote:he never used the manual and he had lost it or something happened to it. ... Studio_FAQ
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