New FREE samples package(wav)(voices)!

Sampler and Sampling discussion (techniques, tips and tricks, etc.)
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Because a part of you don't use Reason or preffer to use wav version of samples here :

you can download the samples package version of DoruMALAIA-Voices01(natural01) (24,2 MB uncompressed). This package has archived like rar file and have now only 14,4 mb size ! You need WinRAR program to decompress this package .( If you don't have WinRAR , here can download for free the last version : )
DoruMALAIA-Voices01(natural01) samples package contains 32 wav voices samples , suitable for any genres of music !. These samples can be used in any program which know wav format ! All of these samples were recorded in CoolEdit PRO 2.0 at 44100 hz/24 bit , processed and then dithered down to 16 bit ! All of those are original and produced by me !
Ofcourse , the refill version (for Reason prog) of this package remains available at the same location !
And samples package version and refill version are FREE ! Free to download , free to use (excepting sale actions or re-included on other public refills or samples packages). You can use those samples how you want in your compositions !

Enjoy my friends !

Last edited by DORUMALAIA on Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.


:D thank you again DORU


Thankyou man - you heard my wish :)

I'll try and make this into a soundfont if that's OK.


thanks doru, your stuff is top quality, appreciate it.
come on you ..... lets have some aphex acid.


I am d/l the FX5 wav package. Thanks
You really are a generous individual
The Cat
The Pads


aMUSEd wrote:I'll try and make this into a soundfont if that's OK.
Any chance you might share it with us, aMUSED?
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I would but I'm finding it harder than I thought (naively) - many of the wavs are nice but don't loop very well (for me being an amateur and all) and everyone I've made so far sounds a mess. Maybe someone with more expertise could have a go. Maybe you need something like Recycle to get them to loop - I don't know too much about this.


Looping things like this is usually quite difficult. Now you know why looped multisamples can sometimes cost so much. :wink:

Tools like Seamless Looper help, but even with automatic loop detection and massive crossfading you can still end up with something that doesn't work.

Doru - this is again very generous of you.

I'm going to try to make some MuZynth patches out of them. I'll see how I go.
Happiness is the hidden behind the obvious.


Point taken.

I've heard of Seamless looper - isn't that by the same people that did Beat Creator - is it a cut down version of that or different?

These are lovely samples btw - some of them sound almost like snippets of Cocteau twins, though presumably that due to the central European folk musical influences (thich I love). They will be useful for things like Reaktor to play with even if I can't make a soundfont with them.


I could make a go at looping these files. I’ve got an app called Infinity which is a suite of looping tools for the Mac that usually do a great job of making seamless loops of all kinds of source material.

It’s an opportune time for me, because my controller keyboard/sampler/trusted friend just went on the fritz :( and I’ve been informed that it might take quite a while to have it fixed so it’s not as if I have anything better to do. :hihi:

Infinity is so Mac-centric it doesn’t read anything but aiff files, but I don’t think I’ll have any trouble converting the .wav:s

Maybe I could just try looping a couple of these files and see how they come out? I don’t have any means of uploading files at the mo, anyone I can send them to?


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