field doesn't work



Ok. I think I've understood where you stand since your initial response. I'm just tired of searching for the tool Field could be. You keep saying 'generic' as if its a bad thing though SynthEdit created most of the VST/i available so doesn't that make SynthEdit itself 'generic'?

Field is the first I've seen of its kind. Its a multiple loop player with independently midi-controlled parameters that has no noticable cpu/ram impact.

Imagine you have to create a 30 minute haunted house atmosphere, 18 minutes of ambience, and 12 minutes of foley for different projects tomorrow. You could do all in the same pass if 3 instances of Field could be loaded with the samples. One pass with your laptop and knob box is all it would take to earn your fee and free the rest of your day.

The quality would be perceived by the client and s/he won't sign off until s/he is satisfied. Even those who know no better will learn on their own as have most every VST/i user.

Why not embrace the vast user base and trust them to develop their own tastes instead of frowning upon us? Who knows, perhaps a screaming monkey beating a baby with a cat will be the next American Idol.

If you won't enhance Field, can you make that vanilla version so we can load and swap?

On the lighter side, check out this monkey: Trunk Monkey


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