Tweakbench Q&A online now.

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----In case anyone missed it, a Q&A done with Aaron Aka : Mr. Tweakbench himself, was posted online this Monday, and it can be read and seen, (I say seen since there are pictures), at this url - ... content.42



That's a pretty fun article.

However, I'm baffled by your drum tutorial: ... content.34

If someone can't figure out how to make that much headway in FL on their own they need to find a different hobby.

Now I'm going to go read the one with Ugo :D


thanks Jeff!


Thanks Jeff and thanks Tweak for answering.
I've never seen the likes of that interview before, and it's odd that it's never crossed my mind to seek out something like it.


runagate wrote:However, I'm baffled by your drum tutorial: ... content.34

If someone can't figure out how to make that much headway in FL on their own they need to find a different hobby.
----I would tend to agree, but I have been programming on a drum machine, and Fruity now, for several years, so it's easy to feel that way and forget how it was to start out. The idea was just to walk through the basics, and yeah, I meant basics, from nothing, to a little beat.
----Anyways, glad to hear a couple people read the Tweakbench Q&A, it kind of got buried in our website news blurb earlier this week, so I wanted to help make people aware of it :)



I almost ended up re-posting it over somewhere else as regulars like me tend not to have all the Dev's forums on our refresh list in the KVR preferences so it'd take forever for anyone to notice. I happen to have Tweakbench on my list, but I'd recommend you re-announcing this and tossing the url over on the Everything Else forum ;)


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