ONE : Features (or not)

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Greetings all,

For weeks I have been searching far and wide to find a plug-in I can replace pHATmatik Pro with. Same goes for Stylus RMX. I was tired of converting and organizing my REX files in batches of 61 or less. Then ONE creeped up out of the abyss. I was truly amazed by its features and read the manual page for page. Aside from the ultra mega mad browser and huge content, there are a few il-logical functions. A few logical functions missing as well. I write this post in hopes to inform those too lazy to read the manual, and those who are debating as to what they should spend their cash on. Also, for those not to do as I did. And what I did was to expect a 1.0 version to do it all, and faster. I forgot to give'em a break.

Let's start with features. We don't ever want to compare ONE to RMX. Two different beasts, both loaded with pros and cons. Long story short, if you can afford the gasoline for a V10 monster truck, better go that way if you got the yard space for it. If you put deep thinking to it, this makes sense out of my point. Especially in terms of CPU load.

So the list goes-

I feel as well as many others, "individual slice control" in "every" sense of the phrase is a must for any slice based software attempting to approach producers in the field of loop mangling. This includes the following:

1. At the very least of what should be done by early updates is AMP Envelope control for every individual slice in the file. It tends to be a pain in the ass to have snares, rides and Hi-Hats share the same AMP envelope.

2. Doesn't bother me much, but some of the guys at our studio claim, individual slice filter envelope is a must as well.

3. MIDI drag & drop - Trust me, I've read Muon's reason for not implementing it. However, regardless of effort, having to export while your jamming away during a session if less than inspiring. Difficult and inconsistent as it may be, the math is quite simple for the average meat head: export midi to HD + import MIDI to sequencer = lots of mouse clicks. Drag + Drop = Done. No harm intended.

The justification-

In the U.S. average pricing is around $200 bucks for ONE. Let's be honest, RMX is $280, we're pretty close in ranges enough to call it a duel. Both import REX2, both have "Supreme" sound libraries. Both carry 8 multi-parts and both have effects and filters. Not to mention, both plug-ins have a comprehensive browser (I know Dave wants to rip on RMX's browser compared to ONE's, so I just threw that one in for spits and giggles).

So who wins?-

When I forked out $279+ CA Tax for Stylus RMX and installed it, I felt like I got a 7 course dinner at a fancy restaurant and immediately forgot where my cash went. It burped quite well I might add. When I very recently purchased ONE for $200, it was like the food wasn't that great, but the waitresses where pretty hot. It needed a little more salt here, and a little less salt there. But then again, this is about price right? It was $80 bucks cheaper, so I guess the hot waitresses made up for it.

I am hoping perhaps the Chef can prepare a meal suitable for a few good gentlemen to sit down and converse about the future of their careers rather than the food.

So Why did I read this far?-

The real question is, why did I take the time to write this delightfully mad forum post? I understand that the boys at the Muon camp are about a few cranial electrodes short of mad men....just like me. I, just like they do, believe that ONE will tear RMX a new one given the time and resources. With the work they've been putting into this, they deserve cruel humor or should I say, humour, about their products. I truly believe it helps them more than it pisses them off. In the end, we might see a plugin capable of leading the way into victory. The strength and courage to defeat all and every opponent in its way. The final word in loop production and manipulation........the ultimate power we can call: ONE

That all sounds great and all, but I'll just settle for the 1.01 update.


MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


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