Making 2mono files into one stereo one

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What's the easiest way to do this? - I have a recorder (VDAT)for my Creamware system but for some crazy reason it records the left and right channels as seperate mono files so I need to combine them into a stereo one.


I just load them as mono tracks in my host and then export them as one interlaced wav file. Pan one hard left, one hard right if you want to keep them separate.


Panning hard left and right works, but you have to consider the panning law of your host, and reduce gain as necessary.


Warmonger wrote:Panning hard left and right works, but you have to consider the panning law of your host, and reduce gain as necessary.
What's a panning law?


Rather than give a half-baked explanation of my own, read this EQ Magazine article on pan laws. Should explain everything. If you're in a hurry, just read the bullet points in the middle of the article, and you should be able to figure out why it's important to know what pan law your host is set up to use.

Alternatively, you could just download a program that mashes 2 mono files into one stereo, which is probably the easier way to go.


With just hard-panning left & right channels to recreate what once was one stereo track, you would not have to worry about any panning law.

Just do it. If its not as loud as it should be, then raise the volume a bit.
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