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All reviews by casio hardcore

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Reviewed By casio hardcore [all]
August 18th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.3 on Windows

This has got to be one of the coolest delay plugins ever designed. Also, the original GUI was super-crazy looking with it's Superhero and Mad-Cat images. The only probelm was that the GUI itself took up damn near the whole screen and it made editing a bit of a pain...no worries though. A smaller version came out shortly thereafter.

As far as the sounds...it's lush, multiplying delays will spin around within the realm of your head and leave you lusting for more. It's not you're basic multi-tap delay...it's more like a multi-tap delay on acid...yeah!
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Reviewed By casio hardcore [all]
August 12th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.1 on Windows

There are certain VSTi that just make me melt and the Novation V-Station went WAY beyond melting. We're talking straight-up gooification! The sounds are so fat and beefy that it seems almost unbelievable that this is a soft-synth and not some clunky piece of analog gear.

True most of the presets are geared more towards dance and electronica but with just a few knob tweaks, you can make some surreal ambient leads as well as wicked-punchy 2-step basslines.

My only complaint is that the preset names are very general and vague in nature but it's not really a big deal.

One last thing that sold me on the V-Station was the GUI. If I'm gunna blur my vision looking at a computer screen for hours (and occasionally days) on end, at least give me something sexy to look at. Good job Novation!
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Reviewed By casio hardcore [all]
May 6th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

I dont know why, but the moment I demo'd this pup a few months back, I fell in love. This synth reaks of pure transistor organ cheese and for that, it's in a class all by itself. The sounds are super-authentic and thus you can create everything from funky bass lines, cheese filled leads, a so so much more. The GUI is cool and to the point and a breeze to navigate. As a side-note; I also own NI B3 and I find that I use the Combosister way more. It's just wicked-cooler!
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Reviewed By casio hardcore [all]
March 17th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.10a on Windows

For the music that I do (which is 80% loop based) Time Looper makes my life a whole helluva lot easier. I was pretty much addicted to Bomb The Beat until I got this plugin and its safe to say, I dont think I'm ever going back. Whereas both plugs do pretty much the same thing, the interface for Time Looper is much more straight forward and to the point (it's not as sleek looking but like it really matters). The long and short of it is that it lets you take a loop and sync it to the host's tempo. Like I said, there's not much more to it than that. It's very stable and works fine within Fruity Loops. Nuff said!
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pHATmatik Pro

Reviewed By casio hardcore [all]
March 1st, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

This has got to be one of the coolest plugins out there especially if you're into beat chopping and manipulation. Before this, I was confined to using Recycle (which is still a sweet program) and having to dump the samples manually into Fruity Loops. With Phatmatik Pro I can audition, chop, and manipulate the loops and whatnot right within FL and it's priceless for catching something on the fly before the inspiration leaves ya.

Of course Phatmatik can be used on samples other than drum loops but that's primarily what I use it on so thats where my bias may lay. The only comparison to this VSTi is the self-contained Fruity Slicer (from Fruity Loops) and possibly Bomb That Beat. The main difference is that this program is so close to Recycle that if you've used it before, you'll have no problem migrating to Phatmatik Pro. And as far as stability, I have never once had an issue to date (knocks on wood).

All and all this is must have plugin especially for y'all drum choppers out there.
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Reviewed By casio hardcore [all]
February 25th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

This is by far my favorite VSTi in my arsenal of sounds. I'm not even sure where to begin...For starters I rarely use presets but the ones that ship with it are by far some of the best that I've ever heard. From big, fat, beefy leads to corny plastic sounding flutes...it's all covered.

Secondly, the GUI is just so damn cool looking. That's what really sold me on it to be honest. It's straight forward and easy to program. I would have liked to have seen a multi-pole filter onboard but it's really no biggie.

Lastly (and most importantly) this plugin has performed 100% without failure in multiple hosts. There are some out there that work like a charm in one but totally cause problems in another...not this puppy however.

Usually it takes me a several weeks with a demo (if not longer) to decide if I wanna buy it, but the PlasiCZ took me a mere seven hours. It's well worth it regardless of the type of music you make.
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Reviewed By casio hardcore [all]
February 25th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.5 on Windows

I got this VSTi at the suggestion of a friend and to be totally honest, when I first got it, I felt a bit cheated. The documentation left me scratching my head and it turned out to be a total trial and error sort of thing to understand this plugin. Once I finally figured it out...Holy Hotdogs! This is capable of some serious sickness especially in Fruity Loops (where I use it). The best way to describe it is that it's similar to the Beat Slicer from Fruity Loops in that you can slice and chop up a loop and play it back at whatever tempo the host is rolling at.

I'm sure I've only scratched the surface here with this VSTi but in closing...it's dope and well worth the download!

Edited on 2/28 to correct version error.
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