ChunkWare Vanilla Compressor update (sorry, still alpha)

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


ChunkWare Vanilla Compressor
free alpha, build 65 (11/13/04)

Yes folks, another update to the Vanilla Compressor--unfortunately, still in the alpha stage; and sorry, still no GUI. But there are some new goodies...

- updated ARC-1 algorithm. (see site for details.) i feel that this version is an improvement--but what do you think?
- sidechain version combined with stereo version into 1 plugin that automatically senses track configuration. (again, see website for details.)
- previous presets/settings will no longer load correctly. to preserve previous settings, keep previous build installed and write down the parameter values. sorry about the inconvenience, but this is only an alpha version.

The website is now up-to-date with accurate descriptions.

Enjoy the new build, and feel free to post/email/PM your impressions/criticisms/flattery. ;)

== chunk

Vanilla Compressor webpage


You've done a really good job with this compressor. Very smooth compression, and mixing a pumping drums signal with the dry one sounds awesome. The AGC-1 mode works pretty well, so far it does a good job of adapting to complex input signals. Keep up the good work!


Yeah. I really like this compressor. Downloading the new version now...
Thanks again!

P.S. For those put off by a lack of gui, try it anyway. It really does sound good.


whoops! :oops:

a bug in the ARC-1 algorithm was causing some funky behavior. now it is fixed, and should operate properly. so if you have already tried ARC-1 and thought that it sucked, please try it again. i hope you like it.

ChunkWare Vanilla Compressor build 66 (11/15/04)

sorry about that, folks.

== chunk


Man, there has GOT to be a GUI designer around who would do one for you! I'm personally not put off by the lack of a GUI, but of course the inclusion of a nice one is a bonus.

Thanks for your continued development. :D



Lunch: you've got PM.

== chunk


it has been brought to my attention that there is an incompatibility with Logic 5 PC. this is probably because that version of Logic (the last version made for Windows) does not implement VST SDK 2.3, which addresses variable I/O. since these functions are central to the automatic sidechain input sensing in Vanilla Compressor, it will not load in Logic 5 PC.

I apologize for this. I realize that there are still some die-hard Logic PC fans out there. unfortunately, what is required to fix this is a bit complicated, so please be patient.

as a temporary fix, may i suggest that you start using a sequencer that isn't so antiquated. :hihi: let me help you out by naming a few that are still supported by their developers: Samplitude, Cubase, Live, Tracktion ...

== chunk


citizenchunk wrote:it has been brought to my attention that there is an incompatibility with Logic 5 PC. this is probably because that version of Logic (the last version made for Windows) does not implement VST SDK 2.3, which addresses variable I/O. since these functions are central to the automatic sidechain input sensing in Vanilla Compressor, it will not load in Logic 5 PC.

I apologize for this. I realize that there are still some die-hard Logic PC fans out there. unfortunately, what is required to fix this is a bit complicated, so please be patient.

as a temporary fix, may i suggest that you start using a sequencer that isn't so antiquated. :hihi: let me help you out by naming a few that are still supported by their developers: Samplitude, Cubase, Live, Tracktion ...

== chunk
Sidechain features are going to be used in what percentage of loaded instances?
Let me guess ... 0.1% ?

I suggest making a version that does not offer sidechain for the other 99.9% of applications.

Logic works with every other compressor and with earlier builds of Vanilla Compressor so I would say this is more of a Chunkware issue. ;-)

There are a lot of compelling reasons to persist with using Logic even if you have all of the above. They have been discussed endlessly in other threads so I won't repeat them here.



eg, you've got PM.


*** UPDATE ***

ChunkWare Vanilla Compressor build 67 (11/18/04)

- (hopefully) this should clear up the incompatibility with Logic 5 PC. not owning this software myself, i can't be certain. so if you do, please post your results.

NOTE: sidechain input is disabled in Logic 5 PC, and any other host that doesn't support I/O changes.

hope this helps.

== chunk


Last edited by splattabreakz on Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
galaxy rayyys! powerful.


splattabreakz wrote:chunk: for some reason i can only get logic to load it as an instrument... :?

i'll look into it. might require an email to the developer. i'm sure they'll be happy to help. :D


Last edited by splattabreakz on Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
galaxy rayyys! powerful.


citizenchunk wrote:it has been brought to my attention that there is an incompatibility with Logic 5 PC. this is probably because that version of Logic (the last version made for Windows) does not implement VST SDK 2.3, which addresses variable I/O. since these functions are central to the automatic sidechain input sensing in Vanilla Compressor, it will not load in Logic 5 PC.

I apologize for this. I realize that there are still some die-hard Logic PC fans out there. unfortunately, what is required to fix this is a bit complicated, so please be patient.

as a temporary fix, may i suggest that you start using a sequencer that isn't so antiquated. :hihi: let me help you out by naming a few that are still supported by their developers: Samplitude, Cubase, Live, Tracktion ...

== chunk
Well, why don't you guys load it in eXT?

Should work fine no?



Vanilla Compressor b68 (12/05/04)

- fixed Logic bug? (you tell me, Logic cats.)
- various insignificant things...

the website will be updated to reflect the proper build/date soon. in the meantime, the new file is up.

== chunk

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