Revalver 5 - Now by HeadRush

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Looks like Headrush acquired Revalver. For $79 you can get the complete product, which includes all of the Headrush effects and amps. Apparently you can also import presets from the Headrush pedalboards. There's also a $49 upgrade for users of Revalver 4.


Just grabbed the free core version. Looks like they're following the IK CS model of Amplitube. Yeah, looks like the $79 Producer Bundle is the way to go. I see they're also selling all individual would be crazy to go that route. Buying them one at a time would cost HUNDREDS of $!! Umnn....yeah, NO. As I already own R4, (and have been patiently waiting for an upgrade for what? Nearly a decade?? LOL!!), I believe I'll have to jump on the $49 upgrade. Merry Christmas to me!! :D

Update: Hrmnn......interesting. Apparently, they are still using the server/ampstore/USB device license scheme as always. R5 accepted my Peavey credentials...and downloaded some new models. BUT....all my R4 models and presets are in DEMO as are any new R5 models. Unless R5 sounds/plays better than R5 I may not be in a hurry to upgrade.
Last edited by CapnLockheed on Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's


Do they have the Magnatone stereo vibrato effect that once was included? That is the only thing I miss from ReValver and they seem to have discontinued it some time ago.


Hiya GT! Here's the full menu:

There is a Vibrato stompbox but I don't know if it's got the magic sauce of the original Magnatone emu. I think that dissapeared around the same time the Magnatone amp line was resurrected....maybe they called for a cease & desist. After all their Vibrato is kind of their signature thing. I wish to hell I could afford a Stereo Twilighter. That's one of the most gorgeous amps I've ever played.

Update.......Magnatone....NO. I just loaded the demo of the R5 Vibrato pedal and it said it was based on the Vibrato mode of the Boss CE-1 pedal......:(sniff.

Cheers......CL :clown:
the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's


Maybe it was the amp company resurrection, but I do think they called it the MagnaVibe in ReValver, which is the name of a pedal by Bigfoot FX, but I’m sure they could’ve just changed the name.

It can’t be the effect itself because there are still other pedals that do the Magnatone vibe (including said MagnaVibe) — most are mono but I have the Big Tone Music Brewery Maggie which recreats the Magnatone 280 stereo vibrato circuit using FETs and sounds great, but I do miss having the effect ITB sometimes.

Any plugin developers out there searching for something cool to do… Magnatone stereo vibe… nothing else even remotely like it and no one seems to be making an emulation.


Yeah, I've seen demos of the Maggie. It's also been well praised on other forums.
But......SH#T.....some BAD news. My R4 installation is now totally hosed, connecting
to the current server put all my R4 models in DEMO mode. NOT HAPPY!! And not very nice of inMusic/Headrush. I feel like I've just been robbed. :x :x :x
the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's


Yeah, commercial software definitely must be considered ephemeral, which is why it’s pretty much a hard NO for me now.

Hardware or open source can be counted on, everything else is dust in the wind. I suppose there are some other free and paid plugins that do not require online registration that might be safe too, maybe that just use an activation key old school style.


I just went to demo it- never tried it before (have Helix, Scuffam and Amblitube so...) The hardware activation thing put me right off strait away. I found an old usb stick (nothing USB I had plugged in was recognised...) What a PITA!

First thing I tried was the VST hosting as I thought it may be cool to put my VST Big sky pedal in front of one of their amps. VST2 only! - FAIL.

Anyway- the limited demo and horrible high pitch noise if you try any non demo gear isn't great- not sure I would even spend 70 bucks on this given what I have already, but may be a bargain if you don't already have an amp modeler.
X32 Desk, i9 PC, S49MK2, Studio One, BWS, Live 12. PUSH 3 SA, Osmose, Summit, Pro 3, Prophet8, Syntakt, Digitone, Drumlogue, OP1-F, Eurorack, TD27 Drums, Nord Drum3P, Guitars, Basses, Amps and of course lots of pedals!


I just reached out to Michael and gave Headrush "customer support" a chunk of my mind.
If inMusic/HeadRush doesn't give me some kind of reacharound I'm done. I waited on Peavey to do SOMETHING or ANYTHING for almost ten years, but at least I could still use MY software. I'm about ready to just say f#ck up my amp and dust off my pedal board.

Here's what I sent 'em:

"I was glad to see R5 has finally made it into the software realm. I've installed and registered the R5 core version. The GUI is quite nice. I see you are still using the server/ampstore/USB device license scheme. R5 accepted my Peavey credentials...and downloaded some new models. BUT....your server deactivated my R4 license!! I thought I could run R4 & R5 "Free" side by side but the server hosed all my R4 modules. They are all now in demo mode. I have been a part of ReValver and worked with Michael Ljunggren since V1, (see attached pic), and his company Alien Connections even before ReValver was a concept!! Not very nice. And not a good way to treat a long time, loyal & well-established customer base. I OWN ReValver 4 and would like to continue using it. Blackmailing me into buying ReValver 5 is not a good way to start a relatioship with a client. And I thought Peavey was bad."

the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's


the question is how does it sound compared to all the other offerings, most of which I already own.
MacPro 5,1 12core x 3.46ghz-96gb MacOS 12.2 (opencore), X32+AES16e-50


The R4 models sound the same as before. The Headrush models are new and offer a good balance to the existing offerings.

I think the new HR Fenders sound pretty decent, but the Marshall models sound muddy with my guitar. The new effects tend to be pretty good. The Detune is a thing of beauty. However, there are a few exceptions. For example, the Multi Chorus is a bit brittle and the Shimmer is the worst version of that effect I have heard.

The thing that annoys me most is that a lot of the amps have a weird ambience to them. It's not overly pronounced, a sort of slapback/comb filter sound that can be hid with a bit of chorus or reverb. I'm also getting some weird volume fluctuations when sustaining. It sounds as if I had a very slow and very shallow tremolo engaged, even though I don't.


On a positive note I got a response from Jose Paiz. He's been involved with ReValver for many years and I'm glad he's still on the team. In any case, he's perplexed as to why my R4 is no longer working. Here's what he had to say:
I just did a test, deleting my ReValver 4 license and downloading a new one, and despite getting a warning about an outdated version, all licenses were downloaded successfully and the modules are activated, so the server is up and running. Did you manage to login to the Amp Store tool in R4 at all? Do you get an error message if you try to download a license for R4?

R4 and R5 use different folders for their contents, including the license, so they should not interfere with each other at all.

Please let me know more. Thank you.
And here is my reply:
Hi Junior! Glad you're still on board!! Yes, I was able to download the license file no problem. It downloaded, my usb stick is recognized and it starts up fine but ALL modules are in demo mode. Red "D" next to each one and a hover popup that says as much. And it not just on this machine. I also installed R4 on a clean machine. No previous R4 installs and no R5 install at all. I got exactly the same results. I took some screen shots and zipped them up for you. Hope this helps! sounds like R4 SHOULD be working but apparently SOMETHING is amiss....stay tuned.
the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's


Has anyone figured out (a) who to email about issues (Headrush or inMusic)? (b) where to find the upgrade purchase.

See a pretty disorganized release. I'm not really even sure why my version seems to be licensed. Classic inMusic :hihi:
Intel Core i7 8700K, 16gb, Windows 10 Pro, Focusrite Scarlet 6i6


Magic Russ wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:32 amThere's also a $49 upgrade for users of Revalver 4.
Do you know where to find that offer?
Intel Core i7 8700K, 16gb, Windows 10 Pro, Focusrite Scarlet 6i6


morelia wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:48 am
Magic Russ wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:32 amThere's also a $49 upgrade for users of Revalver 4.
Do you know where to find that offer?
morelia wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:47 am Has anyone figured out (a) who to email about issues (Headrush or inMusic)? (b) where to find the upgrade purchase.

See a pretty disorganized release. I'm not really even sure why my version seems to be licensed. Classic inMusic :hihi:
I can't find it anywhere on the Headrush ReValver page. I have asked Jose Paiz, (longtime pal and part of the ReValver time for years before inMusic/Headrush), about that and about why R5 seems to have broken my R4 license. Still waiting to hear back again. I did some more trouble shooting and came up with the following conclusion. I believe I may have discovered the problem. I have R4 installed on several machines.
I fired one up this morning. I opened R4 without the USB stick attached. It, of course said, "no USB device found ReValver will run in demo mode." Which is what one would expect. I closed the program and insterted my USB stick and re-instantiated R4. It reognized the stick and started up....BUT....R4 was still in demo mode!

I then opened the Amp Store and downloaded a new license and no change. The problem
now seems obvious. My USB stick must have been altered when I installed R5 and it is now ruined. As I recall, the first time I ran the R5 installer, it asked me if I wanted to key it to a new USB stick. I suppose that is what I should have done. But my thinking was, that I already had one USB device tied up why should I tie up a second one? There was no warning or indication that if I used the same USB device for R5 that I had been using for R4 that it would corrupt that device and make it unusable for R4. That should be
made clear to all R4 users.

Apparently, it is now tied to R5 "free" and as a result R4 runs in the same state. Soooo.....aparently either my R5 license needs to be upgraded to the full "Producer" version in order to also take R4 out of demo mode OR my R4 license needs to be tranfered to another USB device. As things now, stand both versions are next to useless. This is very frustrating.
morelia wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:47 am Has anyone figured out (a) who to email about issues (Headrush or inMusic)? (b) where to find the upgrade purchase.
As I said, I have asked support about the upgrade....still waiting to hear. Headrush/ReValver support is here:

Good luck.
the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's

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