I have no themes in RapidComposer

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I purchased a while ago and just installed the app, but I have no themes. How do I get them?


Do you mean phrases to use in the program?

The archive of contributed phrases and rhythm patterns (by yellukhan and tonedef71) can be downloaded as a single .zip file. It includes more than 42000 phrases and 3600 rhythm patterns that you can use in RapidComposer with any chords! You just need to copy the contents of 'Copy_To_CustomPhrases' and 'Copy_To_CustomRhythms' to their respective folder (Documents/RapidComposerV4/CustomPhrases and CustomRhythms). If RapidComposer is running, reload the phrases and rhythms. It is not a good idea to install all 42000 phrases, only a subset. Copying all phrases to your Custom Phrases folder will slow down the loading process.

Download link

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Thanks for the link! No, I'm referring to the UI themes. I assume colors and UI layout themes. I don't have any to choose from.


OK, this was my first thought that you meant UI themes, but those are built into RapidComposer (not read from external files). When you click on the Theme menu, these should always be there:


It is quite easy to customize or fine-tune them.
Maybe the Theme menu does not display anything for you? Are you on macOS?

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Yes macOS. Okay this is super weird. Now I see the list of themes to choose from. I swear there was nothing before, after restarting multiple times, reinstalling several times, and deleting the settings folder on disk. At least it's working now!


Hehe, this happened a lot on my previous job, when colleagues needed help with some computer related problems, as they finally was about to show me the problem, it suddenly worked as it should, after having struggled with it for a while, restarted and such.


I asked if you were on macOS because in very rare cases pop-up menus are not displayed. I have no idea why, and how that can happen, and it is difficult to reproduce. I am sorry for this bug, I'll do my best to fix it.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18

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