MIDI Looper plugin?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


I'm currently using the MSuperLooper plugin to do live looping of audio, and it's really awesome. It's a nice upgrade from Reaper's own Super8 looper, which is pretty cool itself.

However, I'm looking for something similar that handles MIDI instead of audio. Basically I want the same sort of functionality as the aforementioned plugins, but I want it to be able to record and playback MIDI instead of audio.

(basically something like: press a pedal, play in a bar or two of MIDI, press pedal again, and now that bar or two of midi loops indefinitely as MIDI output on a channel I specify, until i stop it)

Specifically I'm looking for a Windows plugin, either VST/VST3 or Reaper JSFX (or perhaps Reaktor?), for use during live performance (i.e. stable, no latency, low CPU). Currently all I have found is the IX MIDI_Looper JSFX plugin, which gets the basic concept but is rather limited and offers no visual feedback whatsoever—it'll do in a pinch, but I'm wondering what else might be out there.

Any suggestions?


+1, subscribed ( mac here / nothing available for mac, afaik *)

* edit: means: somebody should come up with a new product


Might be worth asking this in the MuTools forum viewforum.php?f=79 I feel like the MuLab plugin could probably be set up to do this, although I haven't messed with it enough to be sure.


Funky40 wrote: Thu Jul 06, 2023 4:44 pm +1, subscribed ( mac here / nothing available for mac, afaik *)
repeto mini comes to mind
but seems to be EOL


and here is a similar thread from last year (no real solutions though)


I've been looking for a proper one for years. More in this thread: viewtopic.php?p=8574255&hilit=midi+looper#p8574255

For Windows, I am aware of three:

1) PIZ Midi Looper. Abandonware, crashes.
2) Circyls. I can't get this thing to do the same thing twice. Been in touch with the developer but he doesn't seem to be interested. Another waste of money. Sometimes it will start recording as expected, other times, you have to hit record again or a third time and the same with ending the loop. Very frustrating and impossible.
3) Homegrown Midi Looper. This is a kontakt instrument. I'm using this one currently but it also is frustrating. First, you have to preset how long you want the loop to be and the highest it will go is 128 beats at 1/16" increments, or 8 bars. The developer and the manual say you can change the increments but I can't. If someone knows how to, please do tell. It also won't record from the '1'. It sets the '1' based on the timeline and then when you hit record, it will start recording there. That part is actually ok, I can deal with that but sure would be nice to go beyond 8 bars. I write loops that can get into 32 bars or even 64 really easily. There is a lot of stuff this looper can do, variations etc.

I've thought about trying to write one with RNBO but my time is really limited and that is a really large learning curve. But I really do need a proper midi looper. My music is built around making loops on the fly, both audio and midi, and really need a simple but malleable midi looper: One that behaves as expected and does not require a preset length and whose length can be varied as required.


isn't that native to daws like Ableton and Bitwig?


psynical wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:35 pm isn't that native to daws like Ableton and Bitwig?
and logic afaik
but OP is specifically searching for a plugin, i.e.: independent of DAW or host
if i understand this correctly...


May be, Topiary Riffz?
Topiary Riffz is a midi pattern generator for musical phrases or riffs.

You can record MIDI in real time. First hit the record button to arm the plugin, then hit play to start. There are a couple of catches though:

when recording, no variation is playing! Instead, the pattern that is selected in the pattern tab is playing. So notes assigned to pattern will NOT react during MIDI recording.
Any MIDI events recorded are injected in that pattern.
Switching variations does not work in record mode.
DISCLAMER: I've never used it! I don't know if it works. But all Topiary plugins are intended for live use.


Appreciate that suggestion but just tried to get it to work and I can't get it to record and the midi implementation is minimal. Can't even midi CC the transport buttons.


you maybe able to bend this to your will https://store.songwish.ca/p/remidi-2/


I've tried that one too and it also has no way to link midi cc to record. To record you have to press a menu, then another menu then press record.


psynical wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:35 pm isn't that native to daws like Ableton and Bitwig?
Zerocrossing Media

4th Law of Robotics: When turning evil, display a red indicator light. ~[ ●_● ]~


i disagree with the DAW sentiment.
But i´m well aware that some folks have a great deal with looping with Ableton Live.
...i´m not informed vs. Bitwig on that matter....??
I take it it, that some of you would just point to these DAWs, and would think: its all allready there.
I see it entirely different ;)

its *not* working out for me.
my "realtime-play" (hand-play) music making is Host based, GP (host), and not DAW.
Its an entirely different approach and experience.

just to start a DAW is like killing my day. Its so ugly just to start these things........ymmv, ofcourse.
Each DAW i have, feels like a piece of shit compared to dealing with GP (host)
They are not made for realtime -hand-played- performances.

they are not made to create very complex -and flexible*- routing setups.
* as is in: "switchable / jammable"

and finally: there is just no real -good- looper on the market !
Not audio, not midi, not a dual thing.....not Hardware, and from what i gather, also not in Software, nothing.
a real good looper has a "quantize to first transient or first note" functionality on board.
just to start it with......

one guy was up on to create something.
it exists for trackpad and i-phone.
Not shure how far things came ?
Mac OS coming ?........yeah, thats there since ever........
Loopy pro


Funky40 wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:36 am i disagree with the DAW sentiment.
But i´m well aware that some folks have a great deal with looping with Ableton Live.
...i´m not informed vs. Bitwig on that matter....??
I take it it, that some of you would just point to these DAWs, and would think: its all allready there.
I see it entirely different ;)

its *not* working out for me.
my "realtime-play" (hand-play) music making is Host based, GP (host), and not DAW.
Its an entirely different approach and experience.

just to start a DAW is like killing my day. Its so ugly just to start these things........ymmv, ofcourse.
Each DAW i have, feels like a piece of shit compared to dealing with GP (host)
They are not made for realtime -hand-played- performances.

they are not made to create very complex -and flexible*- routing setups.
* as is in: "switchable / jammable"

and finally: there is just no real -good- looper on the market !
Not audio, not midi, not a dual thing.....not Hardware, and from what i gather, also not in Software, nothing.
a real good looper has a "quantize to first transient or first note" functionality on board.
just to start it with......

one guy was up on to create something.
it exists for trackpad and i-phone.
Not shure how far things came ?
Mac OS coming ?........yeah, thats there since ever........
Loopy pro
what is GP(host)?


Thanks for the suggestions so far.

Switching DAWs is not an option I'm willing to consider at this point, even if they have that feature; I'm quite happy with the elaborate, mouse-free live performance/jamming rig I've set up with Reaper, and it depends far too much on Reaper-specific plugins (ReaLearn and several JSFX), scripts, and features. (I think the Playtime plugin might also bring this functionality to Reaper too BTW, but it uses the transport in a very hacky way that doesn't play well with how I've got other things set up).

I should have elaborated: If I can't control the essential functions via MIDI messages, the plugin is useless to me in this context. I think someone like Melda sets the bar pretty high here with how thoroughly you can control MSuperLooper just with MIDI. I want something else like it, that can be fully operated without touching a mouse or keyboard. Ideally, during a two hour live set, the only time I ever touch my computer mouse is when I boot up and shut down the laptop, and I aim to keep it that way.

Maybe MuLab can do it. I haven't explored it yet, but it seems like it's basically an entire DAW within a DAW that exists as a plugin. Seems like way overkill, but I'll check it out. Thanks for that tip.

I might just end up trying to cobble something together with ReaLearn, a few JSFX, a Launchpad, and some abominable routing. But still, with what's available as building blocks, I don't know how to handle doing loops that don't have a preset length.

(to the question above, GP = Gig Performer, i assume)

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