Starting points when dragging MIDI/audio/etc. into and out of RC

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How does Rapid Composer handle the "timing" of inputs and outputs?
When I drag a MIDI file into RC, where will it start?
And when I drag a audio file (on which the MIDI file was built) into RC, will they be "in sync automatically.
And how about dragging MIDI, created inside RC out of the program?
Is there anything to consider?
F.E. if the first note is somewhere in the second bar?
Best regards and keep on creating music,


RapidComposer handles every MIDI file and audio start at absolute time 0 (which is at the beginning of the timeline).
Do I understand well that the imported MIDI should start at 0, and not later? RapidComposer should not change the timing of notes (unless "Trim Silence" is enabled). Was the MIDI file created with RC? If the MIDI file is imported differently in other programs, can you send it to me in e-mail so that I can check this?

I find it possible that the graphical rendering of audio is wrong. Was it created in RapidComposer? I will gladly check any files that you can send to me. If you figured out how to reproduce this bug, it can be fixed very quickly.

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Hello Attila!
I will send the files to You via mail.
I am using Cubase and Rapid Composer.
The MIDI file was created within Cubase 12 (Artist) on the basis of the analyzed audio file.
Best regards,
Best regards and keep on creating music,


P.S. Can I create MIDI from Audio within Rapid Composer?
Best regards and keep on creating music,

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