Architect: scalling issues.

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I am currently testing the Architect demo in Reaper DAW. However, I have a problem with keeping the size of the plugin.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Insert 1 track in Reaper.
2. Insert 1 instance of Architect onto this track.
3. Resize GUI to something bigger than default.
4. Press UI button in Reaper's vst window or just close this window.
5. Press UI button again or restore plugin window.
6. The size of the window is set to DEFAULT.

And next issue - when I drag the edge of the reaper window, e.g. only to the right, the Architect does not automatically adjust to it.

I would like to buy Architect and I am constantly testing the demo version. For now, however, the problems described above prevent me from doing so. Is there any chance for improvement of these elements in the future versions ?

My system is WIndows 11, Nvidia 3060, no scaling etc.

Thank you for a very good product and best regards


Known issue
Eyeball exchanging
Soul calibrating ..frequencies


Same behavior here using Reaper on OSX.

As a workaround, I tried keeping the Architect window open and moving the window to a separate desktop after manual resizing. Any time i wanted to move to the Architect window I forgot I’d left it open and clicked on the plug-in in the track panel, closing the open window. Then I had to reopen Architect which opened with the default size again starting the whole cycle over.

Had same issue in Renoise as well but my plug-in opening and closing workflow habits are a little different in Renoise vs Reaper


I'm going to be travelling about for the next week, so won't have a decent enough Windows development environment to get this looked into. But when I'm back - midweek of next week - I'll investigate this as a top priority.

Oh, hang on, I see @centipus has said there is the same (or similar) bug with Reaper on macOS. I will have access to my macOS development environment, so will hopefully get this investigated and sorted a little sooner, then.

I'll post here when I've made some progress.

Thanks for reporting the issue(s).
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


@rtoip’s first issue plays out exactly as described on my Os x system.

the second issue might not be an Architect specific problem. Lots of plugins do not auto resize as you’d expect when dragging the plug-in window in Reaper. Quite often, probably most of the time in my experience, I have to go back and drag a given plug-in’s corner after initially grabbing the Reaper window corner. Sure seems to be a Reaper thing to me.


colin@loomer wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 1:45 pm ... I'll investigate this as a top priority.
Thank you :) I think this is quite important as it directly contributes to the user experience and thus increases productivity.

centipus wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:25 pm ... Lots of plugins do not auto resize as you’d expect when dragging the plug-in window in Reaper...
In fact, as I recall now, many plugins don't automatically resize. Some, however, respond to mouse, so this may not necessarily be Reape's problem. Maybe it's about the lack of synchronization between the framework (eg JUCE) and the DAW. Who knows ? ;)


I just checked if the problem described above also applies to Linux. Unfortunately, the behavior of the Architect in Ubuntu is similar to that in Windows.

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