Using Crusher X on multiple tracks

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Hello, I’ve recently purchased Crusher X and overall I’m pleased with the product. I do have a question about a particular utilization of the software. I’ve read through the manual and looked at the forum, but couldn’t find the answer. I’ve had an idea for a project that would utilize 151 sound samples with each sample altered by 151 different Crusher X settings. Thus creating 151 new virtual instruments. I am using Notion 6 by PreSonus (notation/daw) as the controlling source for the composition. On each of the 151 tracks/staves I have planned to plug in Crusher X to alter the output. The problem is that after about 17 tracks of this process the computer starts to crackle and pop when I playback in Notion 6. I’m thinking that running so many different versions of Crusher X at the same time has taxed my CPU.

Is there a way to achieve what I have imagined? I suppose I could create one audio track at a time then syncing and mixing the 151 audio tracks together, but I wanted to avoid this if possible as I would like to monitor the sound layers in real time.

Thank you.


Interesting project! Do you need to sound all 151 at the same time? If not you could automate the track mute together with the sample. Or you run e.g. 10 crusher-X in seperate bus tracks and load the right patch before firing a sample routed to the dedicated bus. Both options needs a bit more automation though...



freq wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:51 pm Interesting project! Do you need to sound all 151 at the same time? If not you could automate the track mute together with the sample. Or you run e.g. 10 crusher-X in seperate bus tracks and load the right patch before firing a sample routed to the dedicated bus. Both options needs a bit more automation though...

Thank you. Not all 151 tracks will sound at the same time, but there are some moments of high density, the most extreme being 92 tracks at the same time. I can, as you suggested, turn crusher-X off when tracks aren’t sounding for monitoring purposes and perhaps I can layer audio files in groups of 15 tracks for the higher density sections to monitor these. Ultimately, I can bounce 15 tracks to audio at a time and then mix the 10 audio tracks together for a final product.

I just wanted to make sure that there wasn’t some other solution within Crusher X.

Thanks again.

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