Applied Acoustics Systems Multiphonics CV-1: First Impressions User Review

Modular Synth design and releases (Reaktor, SynthEdit, Tassman, etc.)


Multiphonics CV-1 is a new virtual modular synthesizer from Applied Acoustics Systems, a Canadian-based audio software development team that has produced some of the world's most innovative plugins . . . . Lounge Lizard, Ultra Analog, Chromaphone, Objeq Delay, etc.

I'm a registered user of the AAS bundle. Over the years, I picked up each synth and effect one-by-one, usually on an introductory offer, and I never had regrets. When Multiphonics CV-1 was officially released, I wasn't sure if I could justify the purchase . . . I'm currently not working, and I have a good semi-modular synth from another developer. Still, I tortured myself by checking out the promotional ads, watching YouTube tutorials, and reading comments on the forums. I noticed that the tone of the posts range from glowing to dim and not much in between. I simply had to check this out and see and hear what all the hullabaloo was about. AAS makes it really easy to demo, but I pulled the trigger, optimistically hoping I would love it. So, I purchased, downloaded, installed, authorized, and began noodling. As I dove in, I felt compelled to share my first impressions. I hope you find my words informative or at least an enjoyable read. ;-)

THE MODULAR SYNTHESIZER (Gurus, feel free to skip this section)
Modular synths are comprised of separate modules, each with a different function. These modules can be connected together by cables in various ways to create a patch. This environment is perfectly suited for creatively sound design. Like most modular synths, Inputs and outputs can be "patched" together in many ways. These synths lend themselves to experimentation and offer a signal path that is extremely flexible in comparison to other types of synths. Wikipedia has a sweet list of “typical modules.” They include: Sources (VCO, LFO, EG, Etc.) and Processors (VCF, VCA, LPG, RM, Mixer, etc.).

Modular gear is in vogue. Over the past few years, several virtual options have been released. I'm actually surprised that it took so long for this mode of madness to become fashionable. These synths are a natural fit for EDM, Ambient, and anything experimental. I did some research about the various available virtual models. There are a few different approaches that include:

1. Open-Source (expandable via 3rd party modules)
2. Closed-Source (self-contained modular environment)
3. Semi-modular (collection of pre-wired modules)

After noodling around for several hours, here are a bulleted list of my first impressions and thoughts . . .

  • Version one of Multiphonics CV-1 provides all the basic modulation options needed to make great sounds. There are plenty of modulation and audio possibilities to keep users of all levels satisfied . . . until more modules are added, of course. ;-)
    *The built-in factory library is modestly comprehensive; yet, the patches are well-crafted and offer a rounded aural palette that illustrates what this synth’s capabilities. Some of the patches in the Generative Folder are addictive. The library patches also provide a great starting point for user tweaked sounds.
    *This synth sounds fantastic! The modules are pro quality in look, feel, and sound. They are not clunky and chunky like some offerings out there. And, like all AAS synths, CV-1 manages is capable of the unique combination of clarity and warmth. Sonics range from clear as a bell to deep and dirty and everything in between.
    *Objeq Filter and State Variable Filter Modules are wonderful.
    *This synth looks fantastic! Streamlined elegant interface. Eye-pleasing. Not intimidating. Seems 3D. Patch librarian is smooth, and I especially appreciate the notes section for each patch . . . they are visable without clicking anything.
    *Super easy to use. Everything is right there on the main interface, providing a fast, efficient work-flow. Although it’s virtual, it behaves and feels physical and tactile. Nothing gets in the way of sound designing and playing patches. It’s perfect for modular rookies and veterans. Regardless of experience, CV-1 enables users to work quickly before their muses abandons them.
    *It’s fun, inspiring, and musical. This is one of those instruments that are a joy to experiment with and play.
    *Multiphonics is a closed system, which means the entire library is integrated with all modules sharing the same conventions and designed to work well together.
    *Relatively low-CPU hit for a modular.
    *Easy to read manual (probably not needed). Good video tutorials.
    *Standalone and plug-in (AU, VST, VST3) version.
    *Small footprint. Hard to believe so much fits in a handful of megabytes (8.8MB for application version).
    *Being a registered user of this synth won’t become a money pit. AAS will undoubtedly provide us with exciting free updates, and down the road when they create v2 . . . it won’t cost much for registered users of v1.
    *Applied Acoustics Systems has a strong user base with a responsive customer service.
  • like an open android-type technology that allows you to collect 3rd party modules. The Open vs. Closed system debate is much like PC vs. Mac. Some users like to mix and match components from a variety of sources, while others like to keep it all in a neat, clean box. Some users might want more complexity, more menus, and more under-the-hood tinkering. There are advantages and disadvantages to both camps. For those campers who prefer open architecture, look into: VCV Rack, Voltage Modular, and Softube Modular.
    *cannot wait for this new release to add modules and grow into a beast.
    *have enough synths. I tried to explain to my girlfriend why I needed another synth. My arguments made me sound like a junkie with a serious addiction problem. It’s hard to argue or justify why we need more gear to a non-musician. Yet, we musicians know we need more! Why do I need a Telecaster and a Stratocaster when I can only play one guitar at a time? Because they each have their own unique feel and sound. The same can be argued in favor of purchasing another synth!
Multiphonics CV-1 is a virtual modular synth that inspires creative experimentation and educational probing. It appears oddly tactile for a virtual instrument. Users can almost feel the patch cables and they drag them from module to module. Speaking of modules . . . they are clearly high-end and provide many patch options; yet, we want more! Experienced modular enviroment users will yearn for more, and I’m sure it will develop and evolve with each update. Knowing AAS, I am confident more modules are in the works, and I look forward to grabbing them. This company is best known for physical modeling. I’d like future updates to include more of their signature physical modeling via modules. Tassman, their synthg from years back included lots of modeling modules. When CV-1 includes more modeling, there will be little comparison between this and other modulars . . . assuming you are like me and dig physical modeling. ;-) What I like most about Multiphonics . . . it’s fun to use . . . time flies by as I move cables around, creating sounds that will surely lead to tracks and songs. Overall, the synth is expressive and musical. I don’t find myself frustrated working with it. My head isn’t buried in a manual, fiddling with hidden menus. What you see is what you get, and what you get is pretty cool! Everything is accessible directly from the interface. This makes it both a fast creation tool for seasoned patch designers and a great learning tool for modular newcomers. I’ve tried other modulars, both hardware and software, and I found most of them to be overly complex. This one is simple, yet powerful. And, the price is great. There is a demo. I highly recommend checking out this modular beast. I’m glad I picked it up!

Tassman used to be Applied Acoustics Systems’ flagship synth. I loved it! Is this a new version of Tassman, renamed? Well, Tassman was discontinued a few years ago. I did some investigating and found this: Multiphonics CV-1 is not a continuation of Tassman. This is a totally new synth. Both share the same modular philosophy and are closed systems (no third-party modules), but Tassman behaved a lot like Reaktor, whereby patches were created in a “builder” interface, which required users to switch into the “Player” interface to tweak and play — sounds were interrupted when changes were made in the patch. Multiphonics is more like a Eurorack with patching done with wires directly on the playing interface. No doubt, the Tassman’s coding became outdated. Multiphonics CV-1 represents the latest in coding/tech, and in my opinion it’s much faster, smoother, and more fun.


Thank you for the info. I'm still on the fence about it as I already have 3 software modulars. Gonna have to try the demo sooner or later :hihi:


thecontrolcentre wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:20 pm Thank you for the info. I'm still on the fence about it as I already have 3 software modulars. Gonna have to try the demo sooner or later :hihi:
Yeah, I get it. I have a semi-modular that I like. It's always difficult balancing between what you need and want. In the end, I couldn't resist. If it were over $100 I would have passed . . . not that it wouldn't be worth more money . . . I simply don't have more money. The introductory price was too tempting. Plus, there is a lot of talk about this . . . some people raving about it and some people criticizing. I had to check it out. There's a demo!! Hope you dig it as much as me. I think it will become a lot more exciting as they add modules . . . especially physical modeling modules. That's what AAS is famous for.


Yeah, I have modular softsynths from Softube, Voltage Modular, VCV and Wavesequencer, as well as a HW modular system, but I'm still demoing the AAS one to see how it sounds.
I can upgrade my Chromaphone to v3 and get Multiphonics for a nice price at the same time, so that's tempting.


ftech wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:23 am Yeah, I have modular softsynths from Softube, Voltage Modular, VCV and Wavesequencer, as well as a HW modular system, but I'm still demoing the AAS one to see how it sounds.
I can upgrade my Chromaphone to v3 and get Multiphonics for a nice price at the same time, so that's tempting.
The virtual modular synths you have are excellent and seasoned. Where Multiphonics might shine in comparison is the speed/workflow and fun factor. As is . . . for a v1 release . . . it's not going to be as deep, but I suspect it will be after a few updates. AAS' personalized upgrade page is sweet. I got a bunch of "missing" sound packs for a fraction of the cost. If you can upgrade Chromaphone and get Multiphonics even cheaper . . . . hard to resist for sure. I really like their clean interfaces and user friendliness . . . everything on one page without menus is a big plus. I created more music pre-plugin days, so I'm trying to keep things simple and finish tracks. I'm hopeful this synth will help!


It might look like there's not much to do in Multiphonics, but you can do quite a lot with the tools provided, some creativity and basic knowledge of modular synthesis. While I haven't tried everything, most notably vcv rack, Multiphonics is one of the closest soft modulars to using the real thing imo. A lot of things in Voltage Modular for instance, don't actually work exactly like they do in hardware. I think the main difference here is that I suspect Multiphonics, like everything else from AAS is actually modeled, where as VM is more of an adaptation. It seems that way to me at least. :shrug:

It's not perfect by any means, but imo offers some nice advantages over some others, mostly in the
area of performance. I think it's also a lot less convoluted than some of the other stuff. :tu:

Nice review btw as usual :tu:


pekbro wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:05 am Nice review btw as usual :tu:
Thanks so much. I've posted a lot of reviews over the years . . . I used to be on the GearSlutz Review Team. I'm often criticized for being overly positive. In my defense, I only review gear I like, and I really like Multiphonics and the developer AAS. BTW, I agree with what you wrote in the post above.

I just send a feature request. I would like to be able to scale the interface (75%, 50%, etc.) to show the entire environment when using lots of modules. It works perfectly as is, but I could do without scrolling.

I look forward to some more physical modeling modules. ;-)


tommyzai wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:31 am The virtual modular synths you have are excellent and seasoned. Where Multiphonics might shine in comparison is the speed/workflow and fun factor. As is . . . for a v1 release . . . it's not going to be as deep, but I suspect it will be after a few updates. AAS' personalized upgrade page is sweet. I got a bunch of "missing" sound packs for a fraction of the cost. If you can upgrade Chromaphone and get Multiphonics even cheaper . . . . hard to resist for sure. I really like their clean interfaces and user friendliness . . . everything on one page without menus is a big plus. I created more music pre-plugin days, so I'm trying to keep things simple and finish tracks. I'm hopeful this synth will help!
Yep. Multiphonics is fun!
The limited (so far) module list works a little in its favour as well...too easy to get caught up in the whole "What if I just try patching this to this..." rabbit hole, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but limited modules means a bit more focus from me.
Wasn't really worried about the Chromaphone update, but as it's only a few dollars more for me to update it and get Multiphonics, I'm thinking 'why not?'


have they said more modules will follow?


dave dove wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:12 pm have they said more modules will follow?
I emailed customer service before buying and reviewing. They confirmed that more are in development. I am assuming/hoping for more physical modeling modules as that is their specialty. Don't quote me on that, but I can't see why not. ;-)


I would really appreciate it if it had a good sampling module that can load samples as well as wavetables and being able to modulate everything from start point, to loop point, to waves in a wavetable. That would be a feature that would make it stand out from other software modular synths, except for VCV. I love all the different sampler modules in VCV. It's so much more fun than having all the same waveforms all the time to play with. FM or PD modules are also something that could make it stand out, and make it more interesting. Otherwise, it will end up being just another "standard modular" synth, and we have a good number of those [Bazille, TAL-MOD, Softube etc.]. IMHO VCV beats every modular in existence with all these different modules. It's incredibly flexible.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


tommyzai wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:58 pm
dave dove wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:12 pmhave they said more modules will follow?
They confirmed that more are in development.
And also said so on twitter.
I will wait to buy until I find the total price for their "21st century Tassman."
It's risky to buy an unfinished product before knowing the entire cost, completion date, workflow, sound, etc.
(I hope they give tommyzai the other modules for free in exchange for posting reviews like this)


Michael L wrote, "I hope they give tommyzai the other modules for free in exchange for posting reviews like this"

Now you're talking!! ;-) Where are my modules? :)


Yes, I would also like to know the development plans.

Will there be polyphony, will there be new modules - physical modeling, sampler, advanced sequencer, will it be possible to automate buttons and kbobs?

If I buy a Multiphonics CV-1, I will still be using my other VSTis. Because Tassman, Bazille and Voltage Modular have more features and functions.I need a good reason to buy another VSTi synthesizer.

I also have a crash issue when exiting Reaper:

You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.


I tested on Reaper and Logic with no issues (OSX Big Sur)

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