Getting started with Evolution guitar engine

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I'm a new user - well, new to Orangetree, but not Logic Pro, which I'm reasonably proficient with. I'm super excited about the sounds you can get but finding it very hard to get started with Evolution Strawberry. The user guide is descriptive rather than instructional. The videos on Youtube likewise - I can see what's being done, but can't emulate the instructions.

Right now, I'm re-creating a rythm guitar track using a strum pattern, which I kind of understand. I'm using the 'held notes only' function to enter a Cmin7 for four bars. That works. But then there's two bars of Fmin7, and when I enter that, and Record, the initial four bars also change to Fmin7. There's obviously something basic I'm missing, And also, the only MIDI event I see in piano roll editor, is the single key which triggers the strum pattern. Am I set up right?

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