Recording strum midi in Reaper

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First off, thanks for the generous sale, it's much appreciated.

Using Reaper, I want to record the midi output from a strumming pattern (in this case I'm using songwriter).

I have the Kontakt (Player version) / songwriter library on a track in Reaper with the Kontakt setting to "send midi to outside world". This track has a send for all midi data to a second track in Reaper.

The second track is set to "record output (midi)." All fine so far.

When recording, the track with the vst, records the strum pattern trigger note as expected.

The second track records a bunch of notes which are the chord strumming pattern notes, however ...

The second track also contains many spurious notes which can easily be removed, but the main chord notes / rhythm have duplicate events at the same time. E.g, the same midi note is received up to 5 times at the same timestamp and these can vary in length. I can send the midi log to show this, if required.

I have also tried setting the send to a single channel but he result is the same

I realise that recording midi output from strumming isn't necessarily an included feature but if it isn't, then it's nearly there (in Reaper anyway) and could become a great selling point.

Alternatively, I could be doing it all wrong ...

Is this possible? Grateful for any advice please.


Windows 10 64 bit
AMD Ryzen 7 / 32Gb Ram
Focusrite Scarlett Solo set to 48000 / 64

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