COVID-19 - Voltage Modular Nucleus FREE for all.

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Dear KVR Synthesists,

We've all been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, and, like you, we're all staying at home and making sure our families and loved ones are safe. We want to do our part to help.

Starting immediately, and for the foreseeable future, we're making Voltage Modular Nucleus FREE for everybody. It's a complete modular synthesis package, with 22 modules and over 130 presets, for OSX and Windows. Visit to create an account and download Voltage Modular Nucleus today.

Stay home, stay safe, make some music, and learn to master modular synthesis. We'll all get through this together.

- Cherry Audio

P.S. Community is important. Visit our forums at and our Facebook user group at to share your creations, ask questions, trade patches, and help each other learn.


Thank you!




Many thanks, much appreciated! Stay safe as well in these days!


I already have Voltage Modular, but this is very generous.


Thanks a lot, very generous of you. What a great way to keep everyone at home and busy :)


Got a code to redeem, but can't seem to sign up for an account. The registration dialogue I get via the redeem link just does not proceed. If I try to sign up via /register it gives me a 500 error. Is there a problem at my end, or is this more a general issue?


Worked fine here - maybe you are blocking cookies or something?


I already tried to temporarily unblock all kinds of js stuff, but usually you don't end up in a 500 error like that. Will try to disable adblock as well and see what happens...


Tried that. Used a completey different browser with no addons. Same error. Now I tend to believe it is more like a general thing...


kylie wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:35 pm Tried that. Used a completey different browser with no addons. Same error. Now I tend to believe it is more like a general thing...
Kylie, please try again in 15 minutes or so. There may have been a Captcha issue. We're fixing it now.

Dan @ Cherry Audio


No way. Didn't see a hint of a captcha, to be honest. Where would that actually be located?

Ah, well. Didn't quite notice the 15min hint... :ud:


Mh. Didn't even know I was so exotic. Will try again tomorrow. Just send me a PM when you think you spotted something. If someone else succeeds meanwhile I'd like to hear about your OS/Browser/AddOn combination.


thanks for this, although most of the presets do not work for me.
still appreciate the gesture.

EDIT: My bad, I just noticed you have to purchase addons seperately. That's why most aren't working.


Thank you!

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