2017 KVR Developer... You Are The Artist Here - a big fun game - www.eatme.pro/fame

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Will this be a winner in the KVR Developer Challenge 2017?? - an early bird:

You Are The Artist Here
about a career as online artist (with 5 buttons)
a free web based game to play in your browser.

Develop your career as online artist with 5 buttons.
End the career to see the final statistics.
A higher level can make a higher point total.
Challenge yourself or any other person and compare your skills in your final statistics.
Your history will grow when you develop your career.

comments and praises more than welcome, you can post in this thread.

new game (link): http://eatme.pro/fame
name of the game: You Are The Artist Here
developed by EatMe, producer of music. (C) 2017 www.eatme.pro

planned future updates:
-graphics (in-document base/png/jpg) not to clutter the screen
-maybe more sophisticated use of colors and button design
-other inspiring subjects with enough professional sounding details to transform this game into others

artist1.htm (v1.33a - 21.4K)
v1.33a Colors and fading title - help hidden by default and expandable
v1.31 jQuery fades added - jQuery.min.js to be included (now from ajax.googleapis) later
v1.24 Minor text corrections (todo: -not professional- to become -unprofessional- but it sounds funnier)
v1.21 Descriptive text to describe this
v1.12 Checks in progression of flow
v1.11 First intention to make this as You Are The Artist Here

I am asking you for possibilities to be able to present this content in a well-formed way with the required dedication and time with motivation and all your given inspiration with dedicated love for beauty.

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