Fruity Loops problem - exporting WAV file

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I'm not sure if this the right forum to post this but..

I'm having a problem with Fruity Loops. When I try to export the audio all I get is a 170MB WAV file of no sound! I tried over a thousand things to get it to work properly, but nothing has worked.
Can someone help me on this? I have a Realtek AC97 Audio driver. Primary Sound Driver doesn't work either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


thats really hard to say, im not sure what the issue is.

is there anything else you can tell us??

are you using the demosynths included with fl ???

not sure if they would produce silent output..


As FL Studio is a VSTi/DXi/Rewire/Buzz host, "hosts" would be the correct forum...

As to your question, the soundcard or driver you use has no bearing whatsoever on the .wav export. Do you have a particular muted channel selected? Wave export works for the selected channel as opposed to all channels if you have one selected.


When I try to output the audio for some reason it always says it's going to be one second long and 256KB, even though it's about 30 seconds (pattern). However when I try to export it, I come up with 2GB WAV file of nothing. I have no idea what's wrong... I'm not using the demo synthes.


You might want to run the diagnostic tool to see if anything's wrong (in FL, go to help>FL Studio Diagnostic Tool. It'll open a webpage and start a download).


(moved from everything else to hosts)

slainte :) rob


Does this happen with all projects and/or tracks that are soloed (not sure what the plural for solo is :oops: )


XeRo9009 wrote:When I try to output the audio for some reason it always says it's going to be one second long and 256KB, even though it's about 30 seconds (pattern). However when I try to export it, I come up with 2GB WAV file of nothing. I have no idea what's wrong... I'm not using the demo synthes.
Make sure you're in the proper mode, for example if you're in song mode and are trying to render a pattern and you have nothing in your playlist you could get a lot of silence depending on the pattern...the exact opposite would hold could be rendering a blank pattern with a lot of channels unknowingly.
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If you're not using the demo, go to LoopTalk and post this question with the .flp file... Then we might have better luck helping.

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