Cubase Crashes

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


"A serious problem has occurred: Please try to save your song under another name and then restart Cubasesx.exe. If this problem persists please contact Steinberg Technical Support with a description of what you do to create this problem, and the created file C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase SX\Cabasesx.LOG."

It happens with some project, but not with others. I have some songs that never crash, some that crash sometimes and some that crash everytime. I've been trying to watch what I am doing different, but can't seem to figure it out. Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions.



Check which VSTs you have in them some can cause crashes. check your page menory size in windows. Go on what windows recommends. I hardly ever have a crash and only then it is only off a VSTi with bugs in. Which i know are culprits. (mine being Revitar and an old beta version of the CS80v (long gone).)
Anonymity has it's benefits
VirusTIKB,Korg M50,Roland SH-201,RM1x,05R/W,ZeroSL,Sylenth,CubaseS4, GroveAgent3,Ableton Live8,Launchpad


What do you mean by "check your page memory size in windows"?

I'll check to see if I am using different plug ins on the ones that crash. I usually use around the same plug ins on most of my stuff though.



Also...can you descibe what is the last thing you do before the crash?
....................Don`t blame me for 'The Roots', I just live here. :x


It is the standard size of the memory that windows uses to send RAM contents to the hard disk when manipulating memory if it needs to dump. This is in the Control Panel settings in XP from the Systems Admin Icon. Normally it will be default at let windows vary the size between limits. It should be set to fixed (high and low the same) and about 1.5 times your RAM size. If it is set to zero then Cubase can crash as can other apps. There are a few threads on his subject here. some people are opporating at zero and getting away with it but they have 1Gb/2Gb machines.
Anonymity has it's benefits
VirusTIKB,Korg M50,Roland SH-201,RM1x,05R/W,ZeroSL,Sylenth,CubaseS4, GroveAgent3,Ableton Live8,Launchpad


Also, your computer has to be pretty up to the job. What's the spec?
Anonymity has it's benefits
VirusTIKB,Korg M50,Roland SH-201,RM1x,05R/W,ZeroSL,Sylenth,CubaseS4, GroveAgent3,Ableton Live8,Launchpad


2800+ AMD (1.24 GHz) with a gig of RAM.
I haven't had any other programs give me trouble like this, but Cubase may be the program I use that puts the most stress on my computer.

I found a setting on "Let Windows choose what's best for my computer"

It happens usually after I close the file or export the mixdown.



If you have no luck with any of the suggestions in your thread,I`d suggest reinstalling your cubase.

If that doesn`t do it...and your running XP installed from an XP cd...I`d run a system repair/overwrite from the XP cd.

The system repair will overwrite the XP system without altering your personal settings and data.
The pc will be as it was before the system repair/overwrite.

If a system file that is used by cubase has been damaged in some way,it can create such crashes.
System Repair instructions; ... duct=winxp

-Also,after a cubase crash,(hang),you maybe able to get some more details on the reason for the crash,(the faulty system file),by going to "computer management/applications or system".

There are a few paths to get there.Best look up "computer management"in your "start/help" if your not sure how to get to it and interprit the error data.

It is my opinion cubase is not the prob...but some system file.
....................Don`t blame me for 'The Roots', I just live here. :x


Agree with the last reply. Re-Install. cubase leaves all your VSTi's in place in the plug-ins folder nicely after de-install. Also you could have bad RAM in your computer. Cubase may be the only program on your Computer that uses the higher RAM cards and it could be finding it out. There is another thread here on KVR about this somewhere.
Anonymity has it's benefits
VirusTIKB,Korg M50,Roland SH-201,RM1x,05R/W,ZeroSL,Sylenth,CubaseS4, GroveAgent3,Ableton Live8,Launchpad


this happens alot with me, but i assumed it was my mackie control


You just gave me an idea. I have heard a few people say some external units have messed with Cubase. I forgot I have a cheap USB midi hook up for my V-Amp. I have just unplugged that, and will see how it does.

I have tryed reinstalling Cubase before, but still had problems.

Lately it seems to be crashing a lot less. I've been trying to reboot after every created project.

Thanks so much for all the help guys. I'm going to research that link and watch it closely for a little while and see how it does.



ok..good luck.

Ive had experiences in the past like when you crash.
It seemed when I crashed during saving/quit/save,or at some other time for that project file would become currupted.
I suspect this cause after the crash prob was fixed,(new projects didn`t crash anymore),the old crashing projects would continue to crash!
Hmmmmmm. :-o
....................Don`t blame me for 'The Roots', I just live here. :x


Corrupt project files seem to be a perennial problem.


I just deleted the old currupt projects.
If you recreate the old project as a new one using the old pieces,you can save it as a new project file.

I don`t think the currupted file can be repaired.
....................Don`t blame me for 'The Roots', I just live here. :x


"2800+ AMD (1.24 GHz)"

Why do you have your 2800+ clocked to 1.24 ghz? Or was it just a typo? :)

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