Which Synth? MorphoX or Spectral?

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I like to create Ambient Music and I would like to get a new VST. So I have been looking at MorphoX and Spectral. I would like some help on the advantages and disadvantages of these, as both are frickin awesome. I’m not the most talented at creating presets so I rely on presets and then alter them and the few that came with the demos are great. Are there plans to sell more presets with MorphoX? I am leaning a bit towards MorphoX. Anyway thanks for any help.

Flux Cobalt


Thanks for your interest in MorphoX and Spectral,
I believe MorphoX aims more towards the Dance Music side, its factory library comes with 33 ambient presets (though many pads probably work well too). Its architecture is simpler and thus less suited for complex evolving sounds.
Spectral on the other side has quite an arsenal on features which qualify it for ambient sounds, the factory library contains 78 ambient presets and almost 200 pads from which many certainly would be suitable too.

There are currently no MorphoX soundsets planned, for Spectral a set of 120 sounds aimed towards ambient music and film scoring is to be released soon, a set of 104 sounds for scoring (with some great atmospheres) is available already (named In-Visible).

Hope this helps.


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