Soundiron Releases High School Drumcorps 2.0 update

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Greetings all!

Soundiron is thrilled to announce the release of High School Drum Corps v2.0! This 2.0 upgrade adds a ton of new control to our classic marching drum line percussion library in a sleek new user-interface. Among the new features is our Megamixer system, which lets you custom build your own ensembles, with independent drum selection, strike position, volume, panning, tuning, key-mapping and more for each articulation. The ensemble and solo presets feature our Ubberpeggiator system, with new EZ-roll mode and of course, we've included complete sound-shaping, tone and convolution reverb controls to complete the package.

The upgrade to the new 2.0 version is free for all existing owners of High School Drumcorps - including those who originally ordered it from Tonehammer. It was also included in Tonehammer Composer Bundle #0, Composer Bundle #2 and also previously titled "Marching Band (wet/dry)" and "Tonehammer Drumcorps". If you're an owner and haven't received your update email, just let us know.

If you're new to the High School Drum Corps library, it's available right now for only $39! Check out the demos:
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Here are some details about the library:

• Indoor and Outdoor Recording, with Football Field and Band Rehearsal Hall locations
• Marching Snare (field): strike, flam, rim shot and rim click, looping double-stroke rolls w/ release samples, 5-6 velocities, 10x round-robin per velocity layer
• Marching Snare (hall): strike, flam tight, flam loose, rim click, rim click flam, looping double-stroke roll and crescendo sustains w/ release, short crescendo rolls, 8-11 velocities, 10x round-robin per velocity
• 5 Tuned Marching Bass Drums (field): 20″ - 36″ diameter pitched drums with hard mallets, strike & rim click, looping & crescendo roll w/ release, 6-8 velocities, 10x round-robin
• 48″ Concert Bass Drum (hall): soft mallet strike on cowhide skin, 6 velocities, 10x round-robin
• Full Bass, Snare and Quad Ensemble (field): Unison strikes and rim clicks, 7-9 velocities, 10x round-robin
• Full Bass, Snare and Quad Ensemble (hall): Unison strikes and rim clicks, 8-11 velocities, 10x round-robin
• Field Recordings: 11 live full marching bands and drum-lines passing by on a parade route
• Soundscapes: 7 general parade crowd ambiences

1,530 Samples (standard pcm wav)
10 .nki files (unlocked format)
737 MB installed
16 bit / 44.1kHz stereo PCM wav format
Format(s): Kontakt 4.2.4 .nki and pcm .wav

Soundiron's High School Drum Corps library is available right now for the sale price of only $39 until August 7th when the price returns to $49. For more information, please visit the official page. You can also view the entire pdf manual here.

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