Can't see Rhino in Logic Pro 9 (Mac OS 10.7)

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Hi, I'd been using Rhino 2.09 in Cubase on a PC platform for a few years and now I've started using a Logic Pro on an Intel-based Macbook Pro. I can get around fairly well in the Mac OS now but admittedly not an expert. Here's the problem:

I've gone to the Big Tick web site, navigated to Home >Rhino > Downloads and downloaded 2.10 for Mac OSX. I've opened and installed the .dmg and received an "Installation successful" message. When I open Logic Pro, I can't find *anything* to do with Rhino/Big Tick. If I use the "media" panel to browse to the VST or Components folder, they're all empty. I don't even see where to invoke Rhino or where to choose it as an instrument, etc. Any suggestions or guidance would be much appreciated.

A look with the Finder shows the Big Tick folder is indeed in the "~Library folder" but there's nothing else anywhere (e.g. Audio folder, etc.) I've been poring over what little I can find online and in the Logic Pro and Big Tick manuals and can't understand what's happening. Thank you for any help!
MGC: Michael


There can be several problems. First, make sure you downloaded the Audio Unit version of Rhino (the VST won't work). When installed you should find it in your Components folder. Please note that there are two places to store items like plugins, first is in your user folders (MacintoshHD/user/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components), and second is global (MacintoshHD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components). the second is most commonly used for plugins, so I'd suggest you'll use the global one (or look there to see if it's available).
Second problem might be that you're using Logic in 64 bits mode, and if I recall correctly, Rhino is not available as a 64 bit AU. Now, Logic can use 32 bit AU's via a bit bridge, but you first have to launch Logic in 32 bit compatibility mode in order for it to scan 32 bit AU's. To do this, go the the Logic and select get info via right click (or command-I), there, activate the "open in 32 mode" checkbox. Launch Logic again and the plugin should now be scanned and made available in Logic.
If you wish you can revert Logic back to 64 bit mode by de-checking the forementioned box. Logic will then launch Rhino in a bit bridge. But be aware, the bridge is extremely buggy, if you wish to use Rhino extensively, just use Logic in 32 bit mode.

Oh, as a last note, Rhino might just not pass the AU validation, when this happens, it will show op in Logic in the Logic Pro menu>Preferences>Audio Units Manager... You'll see it listed, but with a checkbox unmarked. Contact the developer if this happens, wouldn't know how to help you with that one.


Hi BDeep,

Thank you very much for your prompt response.

I am indeed running the 32-bit version (I can see it displayed during the Logic start-up splash screen). I've checked the Audio Units Manager, reset/rescanned the listing and Big Tick Rhino 2.10 is listed, with a checkmark under Logic, but there's no access to the "node" checkbox.

Using the Finder, although there is a "Big Tick" folder in my library in the Applications Support folder, I can see that there is nothing at all in my MacintoshHD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components folder, as you had written. What should be in there and where would I find that file if needed? Is there something else I"d need to download? Also, equally important, what would I see in Logic Pro? Would Rhino appear as an Instrument or Synthesizer in my media library listing? In other words, how would I invoke it?

Thank you very much, once again. I feel silly asking these questions, but I've found very little documentation on Rhino for the Mac. Much appreciated!

MGC: Michael


Hi, good to see Rhino is indeed listed, I figure the issue would probably be that you just need to know how to access it from within Logic. To do this, first make an new instrument track (in the arranger window, choose the Track menu>New..>select Software Instrument). Then for the track you've just created, access the mixer page (button left under) or use the track fader on the far left (they're the same, the mixer just displays all channels, the track fader just one). Then, use the I/O button second above the fader to pop up a menu. There, select AU Instruments. You should see Big Tick listed, and in that submenu, Rhino. For a screenshot: ... u-inst.png (please note that this is the 64 bit version of Logic, you won't see the 32 bit AU submenu)

About nodes, they can only be used for effects (apparently) so for instruments, the checkbox in the Adio Units Manager is always unchecked.
In the Components folder I mentioned earlier shouldn't be any subfolders, so you won't find a Big Tick folder there. What you should see is something like Rhino.component, or maybe RhinoAU.component. These are the actual plugins.
Now, I don't use Rhino, so I can't check what you should be looking for exactly, but since it shows up in Logic, something must be there.

Hope you get it working! Good luck :)



That worked! You are brilliant (and very kind)! Thank you so much for your help and patience. Have an excellent day!

MGC: Michael


Hi Michael, no problem, glad you got it working now! Cheers

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