What are Geist Swing Templates?

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Can someone explain what Geist Swing Templates are for? Do they emulate things like MPC's in Geist or something?

Also what does Swing mean? I've never used an MPC before but I've seen people mention the Swing function but I'm unclear what it is.

thank you for any help!


Swing was first implemented by Roger Linn, IIRC, on his Linndrum machines. It breaks up the rigid, quantised beat by delaying/advancing notes according to a "smart" algorithm. "Smart" meaning: it's not just random. Increasing the swing knob will lead to increasingly "off" notes. Usually, a setting of 5-15% is enough to inject some "human" feel into the beat. Hip Hop, f.e., thrives on swing, although any beat will benefit from a little touch of it.

There are different types of swing, so there are different templates to cover the different styles. You'll need to experiment with them to get the feel you want.


Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me!! Appreciate it bigtime.

What does F.E. stand for though?



F.E. means for example. e.g. is more common though.

It is also worth reading on the origins of 'swing' as rhythmic device.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swing_(jaz ... nce_style)


Oh lol. I thought F.E. was another style of music that uses swing haha.

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