Zen - 1.6.5/ x64

Official support for: bigtickaudio.com


Zen 1.6.5 has just been released, and is now available for x64 !

Other changes below:
* Store results of previous plugins scans
* Offer to blacklist any plugins that crashed the previous scan
* Fixed random crashes when deleting a user-defined synth
* Crashes when attempting to load ReaPlugs, or Polyvalens VL1
* Now uses SQLite and FTS4


err.. where?
KVR >Gear Slutz! Change my mind! :clap:


well... here, of course....


it stil shows 1.64 there...


Hmmm, maybe some cache acting up... just cleared it, can you try again ?


works. will try. thanks.


is the vst lib different for x32 and x64? can i run both x32 and x64 zen and scan x32 and x64 plugs respectively?


Hmmm, how would you do that ? If your host is x32 use the x32 version. Otherwise use the x64 one.

Anyway, it's the same lib, so you would end up having synths displayed, that can't be loaded unless you bridge them.


I use x32 AND x64 hosts ;)
I have a "Plugins\VST x32\" folder as well as a "Plugins\VST x64\" folder

I noticed Zen doesn't differ between x32 and x64 plugs... bummer... any way to alter this? The x32 plug should scan/use x32 plugs only, the x64 version should scan/use x64 plugs only...


Aren't your x32/x64 plugs in separate directories anyway ?


Can you briefly describe how scanning works? Which info is stored where? Which dlls of which path are instantiated?

Crash msgbox say v1.62
How do I alter the scan path if already set? Propertie file?


Existing plugs don't get activated in the setup dialog while scanning. (not every existing plug: absynth gets activated, tal noizemaker does not)


The scan path is stored in the properties file, just edit it if you want to change it. You can also set several paths, separated by semicolons.

The scan history is stored in the database. Zen remembers the status, and FXID, of plugins it has scanned. When you click "scan" it checks these FXID against the ones of the available plugins, and if there is a match, it automatically activates the plugin.

If a crash occurs while scanning a plugin, it will ask you (the next time you scan) if you want to try again, or blacklist the plugin.

If you click ctrl-scan, it clears all scan history and starts anew.

NoizeMaker gets activated properly here.

So, if I understand correctly, you want to use both Zen32 and Zen64, on a x64 system. Hmmm...



But Zen stores only ONE path to a plug. If set to a x32 path for plug A, running Zen x64 you cannot instantiate plug A even if you have it jBridged to x64, as it has a different path/name...


Yes. What you will need is 2 different Zen databases (possibly pointing to the same preset data). At the moment, though, you can't do it because Zen (x64 or x86) read its configuration from the same file. I will simply have to change Zen64, so that it reads a file called Zen64.properties. Then you can have 2 parallels instances.

Alternatively, now that I have move to x64, you can pressure your host developer to do the same :P

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