4/4 Triplets in StrumMaker !!!

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I've only been using Strumaker a short while but I've managed to get some good results and even a few decent strumming patterns of my own. However, I do have one problem. Under the option of 4/4 triplets I cannot get StrumMaker to sync to a sequencer, I'm using Reaper and Ableton Live 8.2. The best I can do is to set the sequencer timebase to 12/8 and then it kind of/sort of syncs but two bars in StrumMaker is one bar on the sequencer and the tempo control is all over the place. Any ideas on that? Thanks


Hmmm. I'll check into it. What happens if you set the meter to 12/4 or 6/4?


Thanks for your reply. Sorry the following is a bit long winded.

The pattern I was trying to emulate was from an old 70's Leo Sayer song called "One Man Band".
The strums fall on beats:
1.1d - 2.1d - 2.3u - 3.1d - 3.3u - 4.1d - 4.3u ("d" denotes a down stroke and "u" denotes an up stroke.)

I set this up to test as follows.

1. Set strumming pattern to 4/4 triplets

2. Set the pattern as shown above on User 1 pattern

2. Set a mute sound to play only on beats 1, 2, 3 & 4 on User 2

3. Set a pattern speed of 100 BPM and made sure that sync was enabled in Kontakt.

4. Opened Kontakt in Reaper and programmed 1 whole note of C and set it to loop.


At 4/4 the pattern repeats at bar 1 beat 4 and the metronome plays 3/4 over StrumMakers 4/4
At 8/8 the pattern repeats at bar 1 beat 4 and the metronome plays 6/8 over StrumMakers 4/4
At 12/8 the pattern repeats at bar 1 beat 7 and the metronome plays 6/8 over StrumMakers 4/4
At 6/4 and 12/4 the metronome plays 6/8 over StrumMakers 4/4

(Reapers display is a little flaky at odd time signatures)

I then rendered both the mute sound and the strummed guitar pattern to a .wav file and loaded them back into reaper. Although they were recorded (rendered) at 100 BPM they played back perfectly in 4/4 (mute strokes) and 4/4 triplets (strummed pattern) with the project tempo set at 133 BPM.

I then repeated all of the above in Ableton Live with the same results.

I am using all the latest, full versions of Kontat (, Reaper (3.77), and Ableton Live (8.2.2)

An obvious way round this is to program StrumMaker at one tempo, render it and load the resulting .wav back into the sequencer with the tempo set a third faster. Interesting problem though.


Got it!
Download the new .nki here:

It had to do with the way the Strum Sequencer advanced it's steps, which was set to 16th notes. Now the 4/4 triplet and 3/4 triplet time sigs will behave as expected, and the 6/8 will still be 8th notes.

Thank-you for bringing this to my attention, and please let me know how this works for you so I can update the product.

Best Regards,



Sorry not quite there yet. The fix for the 4/4 triplets has worked BUT unfortunately StrumMaker only now works at 120BPM. This is regardless of style (Presets or User) or whether it's using Kontakt's own internal clock or synced to Reaper/Ableton. Simply put, you can't use any tempo other than 120BPM.
I've double checked this by using two instances of Kontakt on seperate tracks running the the old and new .nki's simultaneously using the "Rock 1" preset. The old responds to the DAW's (and Kontakt's internal) tempo but the new doesn't.


Dang. Back to the drawing board...


Seems to be working now. Download .nki at:




That seems to be working perfectly. Thanks very much for all your effort.
The 4/4 triplets strum pattern isn't just for country style tunes you can get some pretty good 12 bar blues stuff going with it. Looks like I'm going to have to get a copy of Torch now (you have fixed that one right? :) ).

Thanks again



No problem! Glad we got it right.
Torch had the same glitch, and has been fixed as well. I will post an .nki with the correction (for Torch), and this will be corrected on the upcoming Torch update as well.

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