installing indiginus agc in kontakt 4

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The installer for indiginus says to drag and drop agc folder into sample library. What folder exactly do I drop(the whole folder or do I just drop the subfolders) and which sample library should it go into? This problem is simple I'm sure but I have dropped several variations of folders into several variations of sample folders and it does appear in Kontakt, but it does not have any samples.

After a while of this back and forth, I tried to extract files, thinking that was the route, but it would not let me do that either.

I was looking forward to getting to work tonight, but have spent the last couple of hours tooling around trying to access the instrument with no success.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



The best way to install the library is like this:

1. Download the .zip file onto your desktop.

2. Expand or unzip the file into it's destination folder. This can be anywhere, but it is best to create a new folder and name it "Sample Libraries", Acoustic Guitar Collection", or whatever. Otherwise, if your using Windows, 2 folders with the same name will be created, one inside the other, which can be confusing.

3. Remember to navigate to the instruments by using the "Files" tab in Kontakt's browser, not the "Libraries" tab.


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