Installation problem

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I've just bought the reverb this morning and have hit a problem - I cannot find the plug-in editor in order to enter the long code. Can you tell me where this is and how to recognise it? I have looked in various folders and drives and can't see anything that looks like it launches the program - just read me, licence, pdf manual, uninstall, dll files in VST plug-ins folder and an empty folder for custom presets. The all-programs list mentions ArtsAcoustic but the only items listed there are licence, internet shortcut, readme and uninstall. Help would be appreciated. (I've also sent an email to the email source of the download code. Thanks.


Afaik you have to install the reverb first, and then the first time its launched in your host it will propose you to enter your registration code (wich is so LooooooOOoonng that I'd suggest to use only copy^paste to enter it)

Hope this helps,

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Ricky, please check your emails. :)
Lotuzia, thanks for the try to help him out!
Kind regards, Nick at ArtsAcoustic


I have purchased ArtsAcoustic Reverb and have been using it for some time. I followed your instructions to uninstall the original plugin, downloaded the new version ArtsAcoustic Reverb ( reinstalled it-allowing the program to install itself in the default locations.

it will not show up in the plugin chooser.I am running Vegas 9.0 and am using the sequence

options/preferences/VST effects/refresh

to load new plugins into Vegas

artsacousticreverb shows up after i do this on the list- with an unchecked box, I/O is 00 and an (!) exclamation point- i attempted to install manually by checking the box (triggering a warning screen) and "apply", and am told that the plugin loaded sucessfully.
but the plugin does not appear in the Vegas plugin chooser. I think the program sees the .dll file but thinks it is not registered
I have also not been asked to enter my serial number and cannot find where to do this. No automatic prompt comes up.
can you please advise me- i am in the midst of mixing a project and i need this plugin urgently.
Max Dyer
cellomax studio


Rikky Rooksby wrote:I've just bought the reverb this morning and have hit a problem - I cannot find the plug-in editor in order to enter the long code. Can you tell me where this is and how to recognise it? I have looked in various folders and drives and can't see anything that looks like it launches the program - just read me, licence, pdf manual, uninstall, dll files in VST plug-ins folder and an empty folder for custom presets. The all-programs list mentions ArtsAcoustic but the only items listed there are licence, internet shortcut, readme and uninstall. Help would be appreciated. (I've also sent an email to the email source of the download code. Thanks.
Have you solved this problem yet?
I have the same problem exactly- have purchased the plugin and have been using it- now am unable to properly install the new version- see my other post-
any help is welcome. Max

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