


Didn't anyone else get the e-mail?? :-o Well, I for one am very interested in the GuZheng. I have the KongAudio version, and it's pretty good. But having an SC version in Kontakt with KSP you're talking. There are some great demoes on the site.

I'll be buying mine as soon as I scrape the money together. If anyone gets it before the weekend, let us know if it's as fabulous as it seems.

Every Potemkin village needs its idiot savant


got the email too, funximate, but i just bought this vst-synth, which sounds sooo damn good, she has to share my bed with girlie and Zebra :-o :hihi:

the GuZheng demos sound damn good too and the vids AUM :pray:

chrimel :D
"It dreamed itself along"


I'd have picked it up this afternoon, but then told myself we have until next week for a frequent flyer discount. [Just as well, cos I just got my G-Force M-Tron Pro in the mail. It's tremendous. In fact, some of the wheezy strings will sound very nice with the GuZheng.]

I just love Soniccouture's stuff, I have to admit. If only there were a lite version of the Gamelan that I could afford, I'd be as happy as a pig in. When I say 'lite,' UK brethren, I'm thinking 7-8GB and $150-175, not some rinkydink thingumajig.

Every Potemkin village needs its idiot savant


Hi all,
I just picked it up yesterday as well as receiving my
M-Tron Pro. It sends great IMO and it is indeed a
great compliment to the M-Tron. I was working
on a piece last night that used both and found the
combination to be very inspirational. It's also
great with the SC E-Bow libraries for adding a
sustained portion to the initial attack of the GuZheng,
I'm still trying to figure out how to use aftertouch
to bend notes, but I haven't spent much time with
that and may just need to RTFM more closely!
Anyway, my two cents.


rexlapin wrote:Hi all,
I'm still trying to figure out how to use aftertouch
to bend notes,
The same. Can't make the aftertouch bend notes. Using pitch band controller is not so funny.
Anybody home?


Don Jenaro,
It's been a few years( :-) ), but I think the aftertouch
setup is in the menus on the GUI somewhere. I am not at
home at present, but I will try and have a look when I
get home and let you know. Perhaps someone from SC may
be able to help as well. I know I did finally get it to
work, so don't give up!


rexlapin wrote:Don Jenaro,
It's been a few years( :-) ), but I think the aftertouch
setup is in the menus on the GUI somewhere.
Hi, Scott!
Thanx, for the reply!
Yes, I spent these years learning GuZheng in Tibet :)

Will try to find it in GUI, but didn't get it yet searching very precisely though. So, if you can help me to indicate that very knob, I'll be really appreciate :)



Can't make the aftertouch bend notes.
If you're using Kontakt 2, you need to use the special Multi we shipped with the instrument at that time. (This was a hack to allow aftertouch to be used.)

In Kontakt 3 or later, you don't need the special multi, but you do need the latest version of the Guzheng instrument, which is in your account at Soniccouture if you don't have it.

You access the Pitch Bend source on the Pitch Bend page. It defaults to Aftertouch though, so if it's not working my guess is that you're loading the K2 version without the special Multi. Get the newer version from our site unless you are still using Kontakt 2.



I think I had been using Kontakt 2 at the time, although
I have 3 now. I had not used GuZeng for a while and it was a
nice opportunity to revisit it. Thanks for the info.
Studying the GuZeng in Tibet sounds like a great adventure!
Please feel free to pass on any tips for using the virtual
version if you feel so inclined. :-)


rexlapin wrote:Dan:
I think I had been using Kontakt 2 at the time, although
I have 3 now. I had not used GuZeng for a while and it was a
nice opportunity to revisit it. Thanks for the info.
Studying the GuZeng in Tibet sounds like a great adventure!
Please feel free to pass on any tips for using the virtual
version if you feel so inclined. :-)
To SonicCouture:

I just purchased Ableton Livepack version of Guzheng. Sounds great, is there a way to simulate pitch bend with aftertouch, or is this only possible with Kontakt version.

As an aside, love your libraries!



aftetouch can be assigned in Sampler, BUT, it would affect all notes, whereas the kontakt script we made only affects the last note played, which is more realistic.



Could you guys give me a bit more info on the pitch bend? What does it do exactly?

I'm planning on picking this up next month, but not sure which version to get.
Download all of my albums for free here.


the pitch bend in our Kontakt script acts only upon the last note played, regardless of how many previous notes are still decaying.
this emulates the behaviour of modulating one string when playing, rather than the typical sampler behaviour of bending all notes that are still sounding at the time.



Hello :)

Could you guys tell me if there is an Expression Map for the Guzheng ?

I want to use Expression Map to add vibrato, pitchbend, glissando effet but i don't know how to do. Is my wish realisable ?

Many thanks


Hello :)

Could you guys tell me if there is an Expression Map for the Guzheng ?

I want to use Expression Map to add vibrato, pitchbend, glissando effet but i don't know how to do. Is my wish realisable ?

Many thanks


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