Patchbank preview

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I'm planning to release this bank when i reach 100+ patches, but i could use a little feedback on what i've got so far. It's going to be mainly 60's-70's style sounds (think Mort Garson, Tangerine Dream, Vangelis etc...).

The one i'm struggling with most is the "Vangelish" patch. It plays the Blade Runner Blues ok, but it needs tuning. Any help?

My favourite one is the "Berliner 1 Rand Env" patch. Just press a key, hold, sit back and relax :)

Let me know what needs improvement, and thanks in advance for any feedback!

download here:


many thanks ... i must search my old cd from software label.
cant wait to hear the next 200 patches from you.


Very nice work indeed. The programming is top notch IMO.
If I may make one suggestion, I would offer the patches
both with and without the FX, as beej has done with the
Transmission library. Sometimes the fx seemed to be
overwhelming and I personally liked the patches more
dry. I will be very interested in hearing what you come up
with for the rest of your library, and in purchasing it when
you have it ready.
Best regards,


Purchasing? Wow does it sound that good? thanks :)

It's gonna be freebie all the way! Thanks for the suggestion, i'll offer them without fx too. The fx are just so you can hear them the way i wanted them to sound when building them.

Even tough some of them may sound rather "bland". Even for a simple saw lead, i've put in a lot of work. Randomizing the attacks, tunes, all the little details to try and make it sound as analog as possible.

I was going to call this technique "true analog emulation", but it seems someone already beat me to it :roll: :D

*edit* applying some "wow and flutter" will give my patches even more love:


rexlapin wrote:Polybius,
Very nice work indeed. The programming is top notch IMO.
If I may make one suggestion, I would offer the patches
both with and without the FX, as beej has done with the
Transmission library. Sometimes the fx seemed to be
overwhelming and I personally liked the patches more
dry. I will be very interested in hearing what you come up
with for the rest of your library, and in purchasing it when
you have it ready.
Best regards,
Zebra (starting with the latest beta) now has a global FX disable button so there is little need for separate presets with effects and without.


Thanks for the information. I had somehow overlooked
that feature.
Your hard work and attention to detail really show. And
thanks for offering these for free, even though I really
would be willing to pay for patches this good!
Best regards,


Coming soon:




Looks awesome! I can't wait to hear the full library.


Thanks, i figured i'd give it a rest after 76 patches (and it's a fitting number :) ). I should have most of my bread and butter sounds by then. And i do want to get some music done with zebra, besides making patches :)



Let me know when you want me to add this to the preset link. Thanks for all your hard work, this is great stuff!


Polybius wrote:Even tough some of them may sound rather "bland". Even for a simple saw lead, i've put in a lot of work. Randomizing the attacks, tunes, all the little details to try and make it sound as analog as possible.
That's precisely what I concentrate on while making "analog emulation" sounds. Make a LOT of difference, and it's great that Z2 gives you that kind of control!


And I never knew all this time I had a Virtual Home Synthophonic System..! :love: :lol:


beej wrote:And I never knew all this time I had a Virtual Home Synthophonic System..! :love: :lol:
Sure! It's full of voltage powered oscillotrons, afro-comb filtroids and sonic frequency modulatrixes! :hihi:
Howard wrote:That's precisely what I concentrate on while making "analog emulation" sounds. Make a LOT of difference, and it's great that Z2 gives you that kind of control!
I learned that from reading your Virus manual :love: i'll be sure to credit you!

I'm having trouble ranomizing the attack tough. Can it be done? It's probably so simple, i'm gonna slap myself in the forehead in advance :dog:

I made some huge progress today, created atleast 4 patches. Spent 2 hours trying to nail the bass from BoC's "ROYGBIV". Got frustrated, gave up and saved the sucker as "Roastbiv" :drunk: . Sounds close enough tough.


Polybius wrote:I'm having trouble ranomizing the attack tough. Can it be done? It's probably so simple, i'm gonna slap myself in the forehead in advance :dog:
The Envelopic Moduloids in our favourite Stereo Synthophone System can't have their Attack times modulated (although they're in the list). Works with MSEG, though - so add one of those into the "equation"!...


Hmm, some nice sounds in there! You inspired me to make some more presets of my own today. Someday, when I have enough presets, I'll release a bank of my own. I'm afraid a lot of them would be hard to use, though, as I'm a fan of harsh sounds.

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