Mixing outside the box...*anyone*??

Anything about hardware musical instruments.
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The general vibe I get from this forum would seem to suggest probably not, but who knows. :shrug:
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders - Lao Tzu


Up until about 3 years ago I used a hardware sampler and a couple of hardware synths, mixed through a hardware desk, using hardware effects, sequenced by an Atari 1040STe running Cubase. I only used my PC for recording mixes, and for mastering.
Now I use Ableton Live on a laptop ... why do you ask?


I'm doing a bit more out of the box, these days...combining tape, outboard MIDI, sync'ed analog gear and such.
There are rocketships outside of my window. Really: www.cosmo.org


Well I still run mixdown thru certain hardware(mainly compressors, maybe a reverb) I like a lot of my hardware, I personally believe in the mojo!!aha Ok maybe not, but I just enjoy using some of my vintage hardware, I like the "hand-ons" approach as well, but I also stay mostly IN the box.. I recently obtained a decent 1/4inch reel to reel, it needs proper adjusting(which may take me awhile to get someone to do it) but I am gonna try to incorparate some tape in the future, since my first recording back when I was 15 was done at a studio with 2 inch tape, and it still sounds great to me. My dream would be to get a 2 inch reel to reel and record it all on that, and then dump it all in to a DAW for editing and mixing..
link to my Asspace page(Myspace) This has become a necessary evil http://www.myspace.com/worldofshit1


thecontrolcentre wrote:...why do you ask?
Just curious, really.

There are alot of registered users on the forum. Given the general software focus of the content, one can assume a good proportion of these members are predominantly dependent on software applications for the bulk of their work. That said, I can not help wondering that, among so many users, there are not also a good representation that choose, for whatever reason, to rely more extensively on classic hardware for tracking/mixing/instrumentation etc.
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders - Lao Tzu

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