Lou Bega - Mambo Nr. 5

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We all probably know the song while I was working on some sort of gimmick remix, I wanted to use those "kicks" you hear in the beginning of the song:
http://s50.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2Y6C ... 11D9V91A11

When I listen to it, it sounds to me like a distorted bass kick without any low in it, but I haven't been able to really produce the sound I am looking for.

Any ideas?
Last edited by DJDiaper on Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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distorted sine wave using a high pass filter with high resonance and compression to smooth out the filtering i reckon!


oh, it will need a bit of a pitch enveloped to it to, to get that ripping edge.


had a quick go at it, needs more work but its the main fabric of the sound, did this with the 3osc synth

http://s54.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1GQR ... 98QQYRUJX7


I replicated that once on a C64. That sound in the intro. Not exactly my proudest moment - but alcohol was involved...

Make a kick sound in about any synth, works with a simple square wave, just apply a suitable pitch envelope so that you get a nice thunk in the beginning but short enough so it plays a recognisable note after the sweep. Match it with an amplitude envelope that decays/releases suitably fast.

After that, use a decent filter on it for the sweep.

The reason why it works so nicely on a C64's SID chip is that the filter on most 6581s saturate nicely, especially if you route more than one channel through it.

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