choirboy + spaceboy unsure how to use?




last summer i bought spaceboy and choirboy from a seller on here, he sold it pretty cheap so I jumped on it. I havent been able to figure out how to actually USE either one of these, and it seems the manual doesnt want to help

I'm using tracktion2.




Dunno about Choir Boy, but Space Boy is very clear in its instructions. You put one instance on a track whose frequencies you want to "preserve" (ie. the dominant one) and set this instance to "Transmit" (Tx). Put another instance on the track whose frequencies should "duck" to make way for the Transmitting track. Set this to "Receive" (Rx) and you're set.

If you're using more than one pair, make sure you have the Tx1 matching to Rx1, and Tx2 matching to Rx2.

There was a bit of a lag between typing this and pressing "submit", so hopefully I've not been beaten to the punch. ;)


spend some time with the manual. choirboy lets you (un)mute extra voices, set their pitch and relative volume, on another tabbed window you can activate formants (IIRC) for anti-chipmunk treatment (more convincing hi or low pitched vocals)... now try it and if you don't understand what a specific knob does, read the manual.


About SpaceBoy: like Lunch said - also, you can use the presets. And, very importantly: look at the GUI to see if the plug is actually doing anything (depends on: 1) the settings of the plug 2) the audio you use it on (if there are no conflicting frequencies, there's nothing SpaceBoy can do)) There's a knob labelled Space IIRC to tweak the effect's strength.


is choirboy good for unison/synthy effects?


Architeuthis wrote:is choirboy good for unison/synthy effects?
Why not download the demo and give it a try.



I don't like to download demos unless it is potentially a product I will like. I just woke up, maybe I'm cranky, but this is very frustrating to have recieved a response like this from you.


Architeuthis wrote:is choirboy good for unison/synthy effects?
Yes it is. But it's still smart to download the demo to check if the sound is exactly what you're looking for... Some people would even say that Discord2 is good for unison/synthy effects :D.


Ah, thank you M'Snah. Now we have something to discuss. Discord2 doesn't have a demo and I'm not ready to shell out money to see if I like it. I was thinking of buying it though because of its concept.

How many times can Discord pitch an incoming sound? It seems that it has 1 left and 1 right control so that would mean it could pitch a sound only twice which would not create the PHAAT unison effect I'm after. but ChoirBoy can do it many more times thus ChoirBoy would be better. Right?


Architeuthis wrote:I don't like to download demos unless it is potentially a product I will like. I just woke up, maybe I'm cranky, but this is very frustrating to have recieved a response like this from you.
My apologies.



Architeuthis wrote:Ah, thank you M'Snah. Now we have something to discuss. Discord2 doesn't have a demo and I'm not ready to shell out money to see if I like it. I was thinking of buying it though because of its concept.

How many times can Discord pitch an incoming sound? It seems that it has 1 left and 1 right control so that would mean it could pitch a sound only twice which would not create the PHAAT unison effect I'm after. but ChoirBoy can do it many more times thus ChoirBoy would be better. Right?
Actually I'm not sure if ChoirBoy and Discord2 should be compared. I think I downloaded ChoirBoy a long time ago, but don't have it. I used to have the MHC Ensemble VST which was supposed to have the same effect.
Discord's pitch is delayed, so you can create a big sound by using a lot of feedback on the delay. But that's not a unison sound.


SpaceBoy: I find it doesnt give a "duck sound" like twisted lemons sidekick or the like, but gives you more of a "bleed thru" sound. I love Spaceboy on my bassline and kicks to bring out the kick with the bass without mashing up my low end balance..



Space Boy wrote:
Architeuthis wrote:I don't like to download demos unless it is potentially a product I will like. I just woke up, maybe I'm cranky, but this is very frustrating to have recieved a response like this from you.
My apologies.

ill be sure to download the demo as soon as I have time.

So Lagrange, is it fattening up the sound, you're saying? In a less synthetic way?


oh wait, choirboy only generates up to 3 voices.

This page shows the Ensemble effect that I mentioned. I think it goes up to 15 or 20 voices, but I don't really use it often. (I don't use most of my plugins often).


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