Blue Cat's free Peak Meter DX & VST released

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


What can happen if I don't use the MSI package?
The plugin might not load if the needed librairies are not installed.
How do I know if I have Runtime 7.1?
Look in your Windows\System folder, the 3 librairies should be there (the ones contained in the MSLibs zip file).
The easiest procedure is just copy the libs in the folder, don't even bother to look if they already exist. There is no risk to break your system. (But then if you remove them manually whereas another software has installed them you'll have some issues...)
I really don't want to install anything because my system is running quit well at the moment, so I don't want to take any un-needed risks.
Hmmm... I actually think the opposite way. If you try copying/deleting files manually you might break your system. If you follow the Wizards when they're done the right way there is no risk. To make things clear, the VST installer just does the following:
- Check the Microsoft libs and update if needed
- Copy the plug-in(s) dll(s) in the VST folder you have chosen.

And that's it. No registry stuff or whatever (except Microsoft data to store the software in the Add/Remove Programs Database). Anyway the MSI package is done with standard Microsoft tools which work pretty well. (We are far far away from Win95 issues BTW...)

When you uninstall it will only uninstall the libs if no other software need them (which is not the case when you do it manually...). This is reason why we strongly recommand using the MSI packages, and only users who know what they do should use the zip file.

I hope this helps.


kylen wrote:OK - I'm gettin it - just begginer ignorance I think trying to calibrate the tool. I think I was trying to make sure each node landed at the correct peak, hehe. I'll worry about that later - things are fine now after getting to know it a little better.
You do not trust us, do you? :wink:
The measure should be accurate (we've checked!), even if there might be peak points issues if your host interpolation is not really reliable (which can be the case is early versions of Cubase SX).
OK - let me know if you want me to try something - it only happened once so far and I'm past the point in my learning where I have to press every possible button to get Sonar to record the automation. :D
It's not been reproduced yet.. Anyway a new version (including VST) is about to be released with a brand new architecture (same as the free Peak Meter), and (if the bug comes from us, what I really do not know today, there are so many differents components involved in your setup!), it may be fixed with it.

Sonar automation is not easy at first sight, but very powerful when you know it!
Thanks! This is a fun plug! I have it hooked up to Blockfish and Endorphin and Polysquasher now.


BTW, we should continue this topic in our dedicated forum...


bluecatonline wrote:You do not trust us, do you? :wink:
The measure should be accurate (we've checked!), even if there might be peak points issues if your host interpolation is not really reliable (which can be the case is early versions of Cubase SX).
Hehe - I trust you! I run all my new plugins thru my little test so I can see how things work. Since the peak nodes that are generated aren't really displayed by Peak Meter is it appropriate to ask what windowing you use - like Hanning - or is that just for display in the host (I dno't know DSP obviously)?


bluecatonline wrote:BTW, we should continue this topic in our dedicated forum...



I know this thread's been continued in your own forum here, but I thought I'd post here just to keep the topic bumped up in one of the main forums (gets more coverage) :wink:

I've been workking the past few nights, so haven't had a chance to d/l the Peak Meter....but I've been thinking about it and waiting eagerly for days off to check it out.

And the more I think about it...this is a fairly simple plugin, but a spectacularly good idea. I've lost count of the number of ways I thought of using it. Occasionally you think to yourself.."it's all been done, nothing really new left" and then you release this Peak Meter and the obvious good use to which it can be put amazes me.

1. Make a dynamic reverb out of an ordinary one. Use Peak meter to record the envelope of a drumtrack, then apply it to reverb tail automation either normally or inversely - the tail changes according to volume - That's the territory of only a handful of esoteric h/w units.

2. Filtering - endless possibilities when applied to filter cutoff.

3. It makes almost a modular synth out of even the most ordinary one - you can apply velocity characteristics to any parameter on even the most bog-standard synths that don't even have velocity sensitivity as an option for things like filter, res, env depth etc. As long as it's automatable by the host, it's automatable using Peak Meter.

4. Gating's the most useable and simplistic gate that anyone who's even a complete beginner can use. Get the envelope from Peak Meter then apply it to channel fader of any channel - you get
gating that isn't dependent on quantising or pattern based, or midi controlled. Useful for anyone and everyone who records from h/w.

5. Synced wah wah pedals etc...use the envelope from Peak Meter to control a filter, phaser, flanger etc and you get instant wah wah. Can be used with any mod FX plugin that doesn't have an envelope follower. (and there aren't that many that do!)

6. Dynamics weirdness - use the envelope from Peak Meter and apply it to some or several parameters on a compressor - that could produce all weird manner of strange dynamic pumping and breathing - it makes even a basic compressor into a special FX machine.

7. Make a frequency conscious compressor without using a compressor - I was involved in a topic question about ducking a vocal but only certain parts of the frequency, not the whole spectrum. Simple - Get the envelope from a drumtrack using Peak Meter, then apply that envelope to an Eq boost/reduce knob which is inserted into the vocal channel - it makes an automatic frequency conscious dynamic Eq/side-chained compressor.

8.Synth jiggerypokery. I'm thinking something like Wusikstation here....get the Peak Meter envelope - apply it to something like the loop point in Wusikstation and you'll get it looping wavesequences in a way that it won't do from within itself. :-o

Peak Meter can be so incredible creative in use....I'm now off to fire up Cubase and play with renewed vigour and inspiration. Excellent idea for a plugin, stuns me what a good idea it is.
And the pro version is only 5 Euro? :shock: :shock: :shock: :hyper: :hyper: :ud: :hail:

I'll just go check it loads up and works OK and I'll buy it without 2nd thoughts instantly. :D

Good work Mr Bluecat.


Thank you for these ideas! 8) I personaly think the number of applications is very large, you are right! But since it's a brand new product, the market has to try it and understand its potential (that's what you did, and thanks for explaining!).

This is the reason for its low price (consider it as a special offer, it won't stay for years). But new versions are to be released (VST next week), and the price will have to raise a little bit (sorry guys... But as versions grows, functionalities do too, and a lot of time is needed for innovation! anyway it won't cost 100 euros. It will be worth its price).

The good news is that registered users will get the new versions for free (minor versions, i.e 1.x), and big discount on new majors versions (next is 2.x but in while! Many things are expected in 1.x).

More news next week, and a demo version is expected soon too.

BTW we are thinking of a "Best Practice" section on the web site. If you are interested in writing a review when you get the plug-in, please let me know (of course it would be published under your name)

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