Krim SR202 Kits

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Kriminal wrote:dunno what hapened to my quote, but sickle, basically, you can get all versions on my site :D
I un-f**ked it & gained comprehension :shock:


ok, I installed SR-202 so I can try these kits in eXT.

I should indicate my gratitude at this point for all the great kits you made in the past for the Orion drumrack since you are needing positive re-inforcement for all the excellent hard work of making them


Thanks for the goods, Krim!

Very appreciated here!

Thanks also to Dave for the cool instrument as well!


Cheers :D


Thanks Krim, these are great - particularly like the Ambient kit :)


Muon Software Ltd wrote:C'mon, give SR202 a try Pough. It's really quite a lot of fun.

It was never intended to be the ultimate drum machine, but click on the "global" switch and have some fun f*cking yer beatz up :-)
Actually, I have tried it, but it got drowned out in all the other drum machines I spent money on, looking for some kind of drumpattern panacea. I even made a few kits for it, way back when. I never clicked on the "global" switch, though. Maybe I'll check to see if it's still installed and then go ahead and download these kits; see what happens. :)


the page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


Is this a bandwidth exceeded issue? I'll try again tomorrow...


pough wrote:the page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


Is this a bandwidth exceeded issue? I'll try again tomorrow...
ya snooze, ya loose..



The direct links don't work, but if you click through to Krim's webpage, they are all there.

This is the first I've heard of these, and I d/l'd all of them. (The largest is ~1 meg - good for dialup) They sound great, thank you. They all sound great ('yup, hogging bandwisth) While I appreciate all of them, upon messing around, I really got into the ambient kit. While the killer kit is, er, killer, I have some that are similar (I need to listen more closely to see if they are of as high a qwuality as yours). The AMBIENT kit, however, I don't have and it got the juices flowing :D

..what goes around comes around..


pough wrote:the page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


Is this a bandwidth exceeded issue? I'll try again tomorrow...
If you went thru the old phreque links, they are dead, i have moved server/site. all new presets are here:


Two new kits for ya folks. This time, from the ALESIS SR/HR drum machines. HR16 samples are from hollow sun (not sure where the SR16 samples came from :? )

anyway, download and enjoy :D


Krim, just so you know they're getting some use -
this is an "in progress" track i'm doing for a UK dance company called DV8 .. features your ambient 202 kit !
DV8 thing (7.7 mb)


cool, downloading now :)


Sounds great :D


Hey there a DR Rythm 770 kit anywhere?

I'm loking for a kit to give me that genuine Godflesh/Pitchshifter sound..



is that request naughty?

Considering every other drummachine that gets made into kits, I don't feel I'm outta line, but if I am..go ahead & lemme know..

Does that use the same samples as the TR-707?


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