Tls max v. Buzz max - 2nd thoughts

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I've used Tls maximiser for quite a while now. I love it - can be clean or hard, very reliable for stopping those clips, and can be pushed hard if you're into that sort of thing. useful saturation circuit also if you're into that sort of thing.

I've had the Buzz comps set in my folder for a while - played around with the comps, and still don't use them because I just can't trust the metering. Originally I thought it was the SSE thing on my old PC, but even on my new one, I still get metering that registers under what it should be by about 4 or 5 dBs - shame as they are decent comps, but I like to know dB reading accurately for alot of circumstances.

So............. the Buzz maximiser was also languishing in my plugin folder unused. Got it out on a recent mix, and found the later version to be accurate for the metering. I always loved the GUI on of the best IMO. I A/B'ed the mix quite a few times and really listened closely, but couldn't really be sure, but thought maybe it was just a hint brighter. You know how you can convince yourself you're hearing something because you want it to be? Also recently I've gone back to using my BBE Sonic Maximiser h/w instead of s/w. There's a certain "something" that seems to be lacking in the s/w that initially I thought was there. Outboard h/w has slowly been drawing me back :?

So........I then flipped in the BBE and A/B'ed the mix with Tls and Buzz. It was definitely more noticeable. On a softclip setting, Buzz sounded marginally brighter. I double and triple checked all things like the output etc. All numbers matched up, all other master FX etc identical, no Eq settings on Tls, and there are none on the Buzz. Buzz maximiser sounded brighter :-o I had it set up so that it was mainly for clip control, with between 0.5 and 1 dB of makeup gain - no big limiting going on, just the occasional clip and very subtle boost.
It really quite surprised me - I was more than content with Tls previously. I think I've found a new limiter of choice. :D

Anyone else hear any difference? Am I just fooling myself because I like the Buzz GUI or something sub-conscious? Remember I went into the testing assuming that Tls would win, and probably wanting it to win.

I like nice surprises like this. :hyper:


I did some A/B'ing between the TLs Maximiser & the BuzMaxi when the v2.0 update was released. I noticed the same sort of 'brightness' to the BuzMaxi, so I strapped on Voxengo's SPAN after it and noticed that it was performing some high pass filtering to the signal, around 34 Hz or so. As such, a little of the low end was being sucked out - enough that the low end sounded a bit 'punchier' and the overall mix a wee bit 'brighter'.

I then tried out the current beta of the BuzVintageMaxi, and felt the subjective results were much closer to the TLs, as it wasn't performing any high pass like the BuzMaxi (unless you want it to, as there's a lo-cut button on the GUI).

So each plug does impart a subtle but distinct 'sound' - it's horses for courses as always. I prefer the TLs for transparent limiting, and the VintageMaxi when I want to really drive the limiter. I've done away with the BuzMaxi as I'm not fond of the automatic high pass.



Hmmm...that would certainly account for it, an HPF doing a bit of the psychoacoustic thing. I didn't consider that. I'll go and double check.

I'm pleased I wasn't just imagining it :)



I prefer BuzMaxi.


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