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So I am working on a new track.
It is quite simple but not simplistic at this stage.

My point is I am using a ton of plugins, some being quoted as power hungry and taking easily 10% of CPU....
Except that I have a lot of them and in fact I am not limited at all (I can still run my project easily, with my CPU in low power mode on battery (M2 Pro)).

I am sure you all noticed that already but today (as I am lacking inspiration) I took the time to list the stuffs.

Globally I feel like if I count every "supposed" cpu usage of each plugins I am at like 400% of cpu...

Here a description of my project:
I am on Bitwig.
Almost all effects are using side chaining, half of them by modulation, the other half by audio sidechaining.... That should use a lot of power also...
Sure, I am not using everything all the time, but during the chorus parts, I am pretty sure I go easily to 80% of the channels.

List of plugins (lines without instruments are just group channels).

Neutron 4 Compressor
Falcon 3 Peak Limiter
VPS Avenger 2 Thermal Saturn 2 Timeless 3

OTT + ProQ3 Bitwig Drum Machine
VPS Avenger 2
Falcon 3

Reason Rack Plugin - Dr Rex Guitar Rig 7 Bitwig EQ 2 Pro R2 Saturn 2


ProR2 Timeless3 Valhalla Viintage Verb Peak Limiter EQ 2

Reason Rack Plugin - Antidote
Predator 3

Timeless 3 Peak Limiter

VPS Avenger
VPS Avenger

Reason Rack Plugin - Objekt

Audio Nektar 4 Pitch Vintage Verb
Audio Output Movement

Diva Pro R2 Vintage Verb Bitwig Tool
Audio Pro R2

Neutron 4 Unmask Pro Q3
Reason Rack Plugin - Radical Piano Pro R2
Falcon 3

Bitwig Loud Split
VPS Avenger
VPS Avenger

Drum Machnie Nektar 4 Pro R2 Movememnt

Snap heap ProQ3 EQ2 Peak LImiter
VPS Avenger
Hive 2


Peak Limiter Ozone 11 Tonal Balance Control TB_Morph V1

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