Remember Camelspace? What is on the market now like it?

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I used to use this Camel Audio app to make squlchy, squishy, biomorphic sounding loops that could get pretty surreal. I'd take a way out loop and then continue processing it until it sounded like a symphony of farting aliens having an argument. Sadly Camelspace is gone. What is new that can do this sort of thing?


You could try this old thread where someone was looking for alternatives...

my other modular synth is a bugbrand


whyterabbyt wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:58 pm You could try this old thread where someone was looking for alternatives...

Haha. That was me that started that thread. Seventeen years ago. Still looking.


Sugar Audio has a few, also Illformed Glitch 2, and some others whose names I can't recall right now, as I'm not using such effects.



I lost both Camelspace and full Alchemy when my backup drive died. Nothing like Camelspace. It had the creamiest delays and reverb,.Great distortion.


CamelSpace has a lot in a compact interface. The multimode filter in particular packs a lot into it. Besides passing, peaking, and formants, there is comb, ring mod, and distortions that morph. Camel Audio's filter modelling is excellent and holds up to today's filters. The flanger, delay, and reverb indeed sound great. What completes it is the modulation. MM Filter has its own dedicated cyclical generator or can be sequenced, as can the autopanner and trance gate. Sequencer has 16 steps, swing, step envelope shaping, and 8 patterns. The enhancer is a cut-boost EQ with a corner frequency around 7k plus saturation. There is also an XY pad to control any two parameters.

So while you can get serviceable FX together, the fast workflow is hard to replicate without a custom interface. The spiritual successor is Minimal Audio Rift. You can modulate the multipole morphing filter to get all manners of squelching and use the comb to get the biomechnical sounds, and it has plenty of distortion options, and presets to mangle sounds with. You could sequence a trance gate in it but it'd probably be easier to throw Kilohearts' free Trance Gate after it. But I think you'll be very pleased with the results it provides.

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